ForumsForum GamesFSBG (Futuristic Squad-Based Game)

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the name kinda implies what genre this is

thanks to Sirnoobalot for the idea

it is the year 2280 earth made contact with many different alien species making the desolate space of past into a habitat crawling with different species but all is not well, many different wars were caused by the Xenophobia of earth in their past before they went out themselves to find people you will command a small fireteam to begin but maybe you can advance to command a whole army


Midors: tall, red aliens with long faces and slender bodies, they are super smart but weak. they have advanced armor technology far but not melee technology which is average (an important part of these wars), their guns are up to snuff but not special (laser weapons with varying levels of power) they live to be 240

they are at war with the humans and help the Fandors

Fandors: almost a brother race to the Midors, they are hooman sized with very broad shoulders and a pig like face, their skin color varies from green, to dark grey. Their melee weapons have incredible strength, their guns are also up to snuff, but their armor can be compared to those of the human barbarian of the past
they live to be 160
they are at war with the hoomen and help the Midors

Helghast: they have a completely pale white complexion and are much slimmer then hoomen this is a slave race, under the grateful control of the Humans who they shall die for. Everything about them is average. they usually live to be 40

Humans (Hoomen):the race living on the big blue marble. Their Weapons are much more advanced, but melee is non existent, and have average armor. They live to be 80/90

Malkians: mercenaries, fight for any side that pays they are foot taller than the average human, purple, with long tails
their weapons are primitive and they have no melee weapons but they have the most advanced armor

Classes:the list goes with weps and armor
primitive/average/advanced depending on the race

Heavy gunner:HK MG4 LMG/MP783 "Red Dot" light laser MG/30mm plasma "Greenie" LMG, Sonj "Rustbucket" reactive armor/Active defense &quotinhole" armor/MK.IV MJINLIER armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,3 "frisbee" anti tank disc grenades

Shock trooper:TDI Vector SMG/M2275 Laser SMG/G-55 "Minired" heavy laser SMG,Superlite alloy armor/S&N light combat armor/Laser charged light alloy armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages, 2 OM combat charge Concussion grenades

Infantryman:HK417/432 JT bolt action plasma rifle/Gewerh Full Auto plasma rifle,Interceptor body armor/MK.I MJINLIER armor/Wull five Segment armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,4 ZX "Dragons breath" laser frag grenades

Sniper: DTASRS Sniper/QWERT "Rat Slayer" depleted uranium round sniper/RSN laser long range rifle, Ghillie suit/M1 light recon armor/LBSS (Light Bending Stealth System),Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,2 "Smokey" smokescreen grenades

Heavy melee:none/Z5 laser halberd/H&K double plasma pike,Sonj "Rustbucket" reactive armor/Active defense &quotinhole" armor/MK.IV MJINLIER armor,Mk.II combat blade,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,2 Model 34 incendiary grenade

Light melee:none/dual laser sabers/plasma Khopesh (sickle sword) with small plasma wrist shield,Superlite alloy armor/S&N light combat armor/Laser charged light alloy armor,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,4 Model 34 incendiary grenade

and you can make your own class

Char sheet

Side: Human faction, or Fandor-Midor unified nation
Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names)
Misc.: you can make 5
Health: 100/100
Armor: i put
Traits: i make from your personality/or desc.
Perk: i make from bio

get to joining!

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