If you are going through an airport in the U.S.,you are given a choice of going through a full body scanner or a "at down"The full body scanners are machines you go through that scan your body (similar to X-rays but much lower doses of radiation)The "at down" is when a TSA (Transportation Safety Administration)agent feels/touches your body to find any suspicious materials.In your opinion,which one would you take?
In the UK where I am, some airports have scanners hat see under your clothes and there have been big debates about them but unfortunately they passed the government.
I think both are an extreme invasion of privacy and neither actually help track down supposed terrorists. I'll have to find it again, but I recently came across an article that even with the full body scanners, someone still managed to smuggle a fully loaded gun on board
In the UK where I am, some airports have scanners hat see under your clothes and there have been big debates about them but unfortunately they passed the government.
Same here in the U.S. but i don't think there was any debates till they actualy instaled em. And you know there is one more choice btwn "at down" and full body scan and that is jail -_-. I would rather take the scan because it would feel to wierd to have people "search" me looking for "suspicious stuff"
I think both are an extreme invasion of privacy and neither actually help track down supposed terrorists. I'll have to find it again, but I recently came across an article that even with the full body scanners, someone still managed to smuggle a fully loaded gun on board
I heard you can use pancakes (no joke) to trick the scanners.
The scanner. I personally, take no issue with the scanner, and I don't think others should either. I don't think the people that see the images really care about your body, especially after looking at hundreds. And even if they do, the person has no idea who you are, and you will never see them again. Also, everyone has the body parts, so I don't see why people should be exceedingly embarrassed about being scanned.
But anyway, the scan, the pat downs are too invasive.
The scanner. I personally, take no issue with the scanner, and I don't think others should either. I don't think the people that see the images really care about your body, especially after looking at hundreds. And even if they do, the person has no idea who you are, and you will never see them again. Also, everyone has the body parts, so I don't see why people should be exceedingly embarrassed about being scanned. But anyway, the scan, the pat downs are too invasive.
I dunno i have the fear someone will start to gether the pictures, attach names to em and sell em to highest bidder. (now that i say it i realize it's a silly fear, but still there)
Did you not hear of all the pictures that were leaked? It was all over youtube and the news here, and I don't even live in the States.
Also, there are health problems inherent in SO much radiation is being pumped with little to no protection. I find it disquieting that the TSA won't release a health report on it either.
Au contraire, there was a massive picture leak of nude photos from the backscatter recently. Didn't you hear about it? Here's a link. And for that same fear, I think I'd prefer the pat down. At least then, it would be over with quickly enough. Assume the person patting me down is a pedo - treat them as such. But I would prefer that to the scanner.
I just think it's disgusting that they've resorted to cupping women's breasts and checking out their crotch areas in case they're hiding it up there. It's just disgusting. the likelihood of something like this actually happening is extremely low. And like I said, if it does happen, they're already going to be 10 steps ahead. The TSA and other airport securities are always playing catchup and haven't done any real benefit for society