ForumsNews and Feedbackprogrammer benefits

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311 posts

well i was thinking we give tons to the player and the users of the site. but we give nothing but 20 AP to the game Develpor who spense hour and hours every day for posably even a mouth or so makeing a game and has to put a lot ove work in to it plus usally has to pay a lot of money for the programmer and even maybe for lessons and has to ether way learn a new langguae practily to make any of the games on this site. sherh it is very fun to do so and to see people play your game but we seem to almost "neglekt" the people that make this site even have games. if we could some who make this site at lest a little more more programmer friendly and give them (or us i geuss) more to want to make games for this site more because it is fun and benefits you to give a game to this site in comparison to others and make this a abode for players and programmers alike. because with out them this site would be a stick in the sand or boring! (well this comminety is wonderfull )

how to do this is hard and it seem like would get more people sending bad quality games but it would make more people that give better quilty come to the site! we have to programing part of the forum (it is not much but it does.) meybe makeing that better and when the clans/groups are made (if they are) some groups for the programers.
but meybe a title like the mods/adms do that says &quotrogramer" or "game developer" and for the real employs of AG "AG progammer/Game developer" or some thing. plus better acses to some things like AGI and so just things to make it easyer to program for AG or some thing. I don;t now realy but some thing but some thing.
(sorry for any bad spelling )

  • 24 Replies
2,233 posts

Maybe there could be an exclusive programmer armatar or they could be a different rank, rank being king/ queen/ squire etc.

884 posts

The quality of the games should determine the amount of points one gets, if someone programs a game that looks like it came from flash game programming for dummies, 5 points (seriously its like 20-50 lines of code), but if someone made a game with great controls and artwork, an in-depth and (at least a slightly) immersive storyline, one that keeps people coming back for more, 30 points and a programmer armatar unlocked (have multiple to unlock). Not only will this at least give something fun to shoot for, but it will help push towards a quality over quantity type of programming mood, and who knows what sort of recogonition one will get in AGv.3, here's how scoring could go:

Rank E Programmer: Programming skills are beginner, graphics need improvements, more like mini-game type programming. Little to no sound or music, controls are very buggy: 5 points per game
Rank D Programmer: Programming skill higher than beginner: a novice, but improving, graphics are okay, uses music but occasionally forgets to make it loopable. sound effects lacking, no storyline, controls need alot of improvement: 10 points per game
Rank C Programmer: Programs games at a low-intermediate level, graphics are improved over the latter 2 ranks, uses popular or unoriginal music but makes it work with the story. Sound effects may be off but still does it's job, Storyline ideas need improvement, controls are passable: 15 points per game and a "Rank C" armatar unlock
Rank B Programmer: Programs game at an intermediate level, providing thought-out storylines and great graphics, Music maybe unoriginal, but it works well with the story, room for improvement, but a very good flash game designer, controls function though the hit system maybe bug at times: 20 points per game and a "Rank B" armatar unlock
Rank A Programmer: Programs games at a high level, games are almost top-notch as are the graphics, music is original and helps tell the story, sound effects are multiple yet spot-on, controls are perfectly suited to the game, an excellent game designer: 25 points and a "Rank A" armatar unlock
Rank S Programmer: Programs game at the highest level, games contain top-notch graphics, music, effects, storyline, controls, and programming. The highest level of programmer on AG: 30 Points per game, A "Rank S" armatar unlock, and a certification of awesomeness sent in to their E-mail.

as you saw mentioned Rank armatars, those are self explanatory. so what do you think of that?

2,892 posts

Since the game developers are the "lifeblood" of the site, we'd be hesitant to "demotivate" them by giving them a poor grade.

We've talked, instead, about an expanded game rating system, where users can rate story, graphics, music, etc., as separate scales on the game rating, but that'll come later this year.

Also, keep in mind that the whole AP system is changing, so we won't necessarily give &quotoints" for submitting games. We might, for example, give a user an achievement for submitting their first, fifth, tenth, etc game to the system (approved games only of course).

I also like Louissi's suggestion of getting additional rewards for having their game reach milestones, like 500k plays, etc.

993 posts

I also like Louissi's suggestion of getting additional rewards for having their game reach milestones, like 500k plays, etc.

That sounds cool, such as 10 AP for 1,000 plays, 20 AP for 2,000, etc.

I also would love to see contests revived. Possibly... most favorites in a month/week, most played games, and of course highest rated games. I understand though if AG cannot support the money.
2,892 posts

such as 10 AP for 1,000 plays, 20 AP for 2,000, etc.

No ... as I just re-iterated, the AP system is getting overhauled. We will not be awarding points for submitting games:
the whole AP system is changing, so we won't necessarily give &quotoints" for submitting games.

The rest of the team also loves the idea of giving achievements to developers based on number of games, avg plays of all games, total plays of all games, maybe average rating of all games, etc.
993 posts

Yeah, I understand, I didn't necessarily directly mean AP, but some form of rewards.


311 posts

Ok I don't no why there was an avetiment there but anyways
As I have said hmmm 4 or 5 times I don't care about piont, non of us developers do ( so wish they could keep up) I would not care if I got -1000 Ap
But AP may not even be in AG3 so maybe a rank with in deveplopers would be cool and some achezment would me awsome the detaled rating is another story but would be very usfull. Al though geting a low rank only gives you room to go up! And helps to know where you are at, though somme people. May not like it... but every one has to start some where.

I was thinking (that I can't remember what I was thinking hm...) we could make a better forum part to the forum and call it the "balck smith's anvil" or some thing and have it so files can be shared (or not) and a realy needed speacil text for when you type code and such.

2,892 posts

Yes, we've already talked about a 'showcase' area where you can post links to your artwork, swf files, etc., to get feedback from other users. It won't happen for AG3 launch, but should be added to the site some time this year.

Depending on the forum we end up using/building, we'll probably allow the use of the 'code' BBcode tag for monospaced fonts for writing bits of code, etc.

We're off topic though.

311 posts

Uhhhhhhhgggg stupid phone wrote out a big long comment and it lost seves and I lost it alll! Well let me re try the 3 paragraphs!

Any ways, not to go agenst your admidyfullness or any thing, but with all do respect I do not see this topic going of topic... this topic is for any thing that will help or make easyer or fun to program of AG where Ag employ or not.

But maybe making a beta sectoin to the site for the games, like on GM (game maker,yoyo where you can summit (with out pionts or what ever)
Beta version games, it help cuz poeple will play them and tell you what you need to add or fix or so, and help if you are making a game and it is taking so long and you want to put poeple at easy or even more so is it is talking so long that it seem hopeless and you'l never get it done with it, but if you put it on the beta game section you will see poeple playing and likeing or so your game and will give you the insperation to go on and make the offical. Although they might loose there data if the beta version or it the offical releass is make or changed. Unless you guys can make it work or the is a wy how to do it with those trick SOL files and stuff (ugh I hate data files like that)

But if we are going to do any pointage of any sort how would it be done? With rep? If you get anachement or some thing. But I hope you don't give negative rep for that! Exept if some one make realy cheap non playable game or some thing and they keep sending it or makeing more and you clearly give them a warning(s) then they still do it then I could see giveing bad rep...

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