The tv show Happy Tree Friends is a completly disgusting and vulger show, (this show is supposed to be funny? Offensive would be a better word) I realy don't know why it isn't baned yet.
Heres the youtubes channel for it if you dont know what it is, but be warned it is EXTREAMLY violent. Here
The show was good ween i saw it the first 2 times...but after i saw that it's ONLY violence. There isn't even a point to it. I got bored from it, and stopped watching it.
Haha I remember that show I used to love it. I'm just that type of sinical guy(yes that is SINical) my sister was watching G4 at age 12. I came in(I was about 7 at the time) and when I saw the animals I was like wtf why is my sister watching fairly odd parents or sum BS and then I saw an animals head get cut off and I fell down and started writhing in a mixture of shock, enthusiasm, and happiness. I was hooked on it for about a year, then got into other things... of which i will not speak... *poot*
That would have been my first guess heh. I think I saw it on MTV in Europe once, or something like that.
It used to be on MTV Europe at about 1:30 each morning, at least when I used to watch it. I'm not surprised they banned it, although I do not agree with the decision. I'm with Flip on this one. If it's on that late anyway, it's the parent's responsibility for letting younger kids staying up so late and watching it.
I gotta agree with Firefly its the parents responsibility to monitor what their kids for HTF, unless you really hate animals the show won't keep a persons attention for more than year as the pointless violence gets really old, really fast.
Someone showed me HTF once and the only thing I remember saying is "Why is this supposed to be funny?". Other then that one time I've never watched it, I had no desire to seek it out to watch more of it. I love cartoons but the excessive violence of HTF just didn't appeal to me. I don't mind if they make it, I'm a big believer in freedom of expression, and I don't mind if people choose to watch it and find it funny. The fact is I don't have to watch it I can choose the media I wish to consume. As far as kids watching it I agree with FireflyIV and Kyouzou, it's parents responsiblity to keep their kids from watching things they don't want them to. If a parent is mad because their kid has been watching HTF then it's thier own fault and they should try to be more involved with thier children's media choices.
I fun one know I have sick tristed black humor(except about religion) and the you tube videos awesome about HTF and if your wondering why it isn't banned ask why all horror filmes aren't banned or Family Guy (which is awesome btw).And how the hell is it offensive? IT'S CARTOON VIOLENCE