Perhaps I'm missing something, but could it not be possible that a diety created the universe through science?
Actually it goes more like this:
Science: The universe started with a singularity....
Religion: NO!!!!11Shift! God created the earth in seven real days!1! with everything as it is! Meaning the earth is only six thousand years old, evolution is wrong, and you should teach this is teh classrooms!1!!
Science: That is illogical! We can see stars several million light years away...
It still wouldn't make sense - if you were talking about 7 billion years being 7 days in the life-time of a God then that means that Gods life time is not infinite and he is not, therefore, all powerful.
Maybe they meant seven days as seven billion years? What would you go with, the Bible or science?? I would go with science.
Seven days does not equal seven billion years, and that is really far off. If you or I could see that, then why couldn't an omnipotent deity?
And I thought it was closer to us being in the six billion ish aria...Lets see what Wikipedia says.
The estimated age of the universe is 13.75 ± 0.17 billion years
Eh that would still be off.
And why would you add an extra, superfluous factor into the equation? There is no requirement for there to be a god, so why pretend there is?
Then there is the fact that other stories are also false, big ones being "The 'ower' of prayer", every "historical" stories, and there being a heaven in the sky and a hell underground.
Actually it goes more like this: Science: The universe started with a singularity.... Religion: NO!!!!11Shift! God created the earth in seven real days!1! with everything as it is! Meaning the earth is only six thousand years old, evolution is wrong, and you should teach this is teh classrooms!1!! Science: That is illogical! We can see stars several million light years away... Religion: LALALLALLALA I AM NOT LISTING LALALA!!11!! And that is how it goes.
You sir, are a god! Wait.... Pun unintended.
Yes, that is essentially what happens. They are conflicting and whether or not they were conflicting the reason Science wins is because they actually use proof and logic, whereas Religion uses Blind Faith.
The Ori in Stargate SG-1 is basically what I think of any fanatical religious person on Earth.
The reason they conflict is because scientists have proven (if I am right) that the earth is older than 6,000 years.
God is more powerful than any mortal can possibly imagine. He could make all of the cosmos in one day if he wanted to. He is God, he can do anything in any time limit. The Big Bang does seem convincing because the universe is consistently getting bigger but maybe God created the Big Bang. We just dont know, we assume. You could believe what you want but I believe in God and not Science although I love Science and Astronomy.
Why add an unnecessary elemental like God into a complete equation? Even if our knowledge of the Big Bang had a lot more holes then it doesn't make sense to fill them with 'God' and call it done.
That example doesn't, the problem is we have no proof of there being a god/s and every bit of evidence we do have suggests if one or more does exist it wasn't needed.
Going into more specific religions such as Christianity we can then start disproving claims that clearly go against the laws of physics such as everything being created in 7 day, the Earth and plant life being created before the sun, a global flood and so on.
So we are left with a bunch of disproven claim on what exactly this specific God did and evidence suggesting that even if he does exist he wasn't necessary. So it's very reasonable to assume such a being doesn't exist.