Has anyone played Liquid Measure Dark Fluids Level Pack?I can only get to level 12. Help, please.
im working on it. i am already on level 23.
How do you beat level 12 then?
Here is the solution to lvl 12[url=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs953.snc4/74600_133647616695528_100001508710604_208403_6049097_n.jpg]If this works, I'll post an image for level 3 if needed
Well, I'll try again. I know, double post, but I'm still trying to figure this out. Hopefully works this time. Mods, please delete the previous comment, and this one if I screw this one up.
Here's the solution to level 3.Thanks Evanpunked but I got it yesterday. Now I'm stuck on level 20.
Here's the solution to level 20 if you still need it.
Well, apparently I can't do this right the first time. Let me try this again.Here's the link hopefully.
I can't open the link. It won't highlight. I have a better idea.Take a picture of it. Upload it to Imgur.Use the link from there and put it in
Well, thanks for the link, will be much easier than the way I found on one of the stickies.
Oh my god. Now I feel stupid. This is what I was doing.Thanks.
Here's level 23 if emanfman is still working on it.
I just beat all Liquid Measures. I am anxious for LM3 to come out.Here are screenshots of Liquid Measure 1, Liquid Measure 2, and Liquid Measure 2 Dark Fluid Level Pack.Why does it say that there ware easier levels. The levels pack was harder since the first five levels isn't part of the tutorial.Anyway, there should be a level editor. I very eager t start making my own levels.
[url]http://i.imgur.com/lokrT.png[/url]If you want to see it in a clearer image.
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