Out of all the popular radio stations I've listened to these days, at least, well, pretty much all of them have overplayed the songs about over 9,000 times. To me it ruins the good of the songs. What do you think? Are these popular radio stations pushing the limit?
i remember when listing to the radio station at night time when i was 8 or 9 and even back then they played the EXACT same songs at the same exact time(but i liked the songs) but now i could careless sense i dont even listen to the radio anymore
I agree. I like most of the songs they play because I listen to good stations, but some variety would be nice. I like the song itself, but I swear to god, if I hear "Say You'll Haunt Me" on the radio ONE MORE TIME I am going to straight up murder something.
So.. infuriating. I wish DJ's had a taste in music. And if there is a rare occasion I like the song, boom, one month later I swear to kill the artist's mom because it is overplayed.
thats why i got the tape with the audio cord so i can jsut listen to my own music in the car.
animal by the neon trees is a prime example. im so sick of that song. heres when you know a song is over played, when you know ALL the words to a song you never even liked in the first place
Yeah, I agree as well. It seems the same songs are over played. It's very aggravating. That's why I'm glad my car has a 10 disc CD changer. I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore.
Radio stations over here play the same songs over and over as well. It does get a little irritating hearing the same music a lot of times while traveling in a car.
I would just get a i pod then just put a whole bunch of songs on there and listen to it instead of the radio.
I (sadly) have to agree on this topic... even worse is that somehow the radio stations have 'discovered' the means to make a tape with songs and repeat those tapes over and over! 0_o
At work we play a certain radio station called 'Sky Radio'... and at the end of the week, I'm almost literally able to predict the song coming next in line, simply because I've heard the tape come by 5 times in a week! Stupid... =(
This is the exact reason I have invested in Pandora, convenient, cheap for the premium version, and I can take it with me! (on my DroidX) Songs that I used to absolutely love I now dread to hear after they were overplayed for so long. I have now started looking for more obscure bands that aren't really all that mainstream and it has really helped with the whole overplaying of certain songs.