Tropico 3 is a strategy game, where you as "El presidente" have to lead a countrys economy and make the people happy. You can choose to lead the country as a Diktator, Communis etc. The game year is in the 50's, so you have the possibility to create realations whith the US or the USSR. If you don't "lay your cards" right, the people will become rebels, and you can choose to fight against them, by creating military. A very fun and good game.
The game might become more fun with cheats. Tropico 3 cheats below:
Enter the following codes during gameplay for the desired effect:
trabajono - Unlock All Missions speedygonzales - Instant Build iamthestate - No Prerequisites for Edicts elpollodiablo - Instant Win muchopesos - Add $100,000 whiskey - +20 Relations with U.S. nowhiskey - -20 Realtions with U.S. vodka - +20 Relations with USSR novodka - -20 Relations with USSR twoheadedllama - Raise Tourism Rating to 100 pachangasi - Raise Happiness dinggratz - Maximize Workers Experience, Instant Graduation cheguevara - Trigger Rebel Attack on Building downwiththetyrant - Trigger Rebel Attack on Palace generalpenultimo - Trigger Military Coup civilwar - Trigger Uprising vivala0 - Trigger Random Submersive Activity vivala1 - Trigger Assassination Attempt vivala2 - Trigger Hostage Crisis vivala3 - Trigger Bomb Threat vivala4 - Trigger Worker Strike vivala5 - Trigger Media Occcupation