my idea is to be able to organize/customize the fav games list. this would be easier to find the games we want to play faster and more efficiently.
this could be done (in my view) 2 ways: 1: have the users create their own system, or 2: have the games separated by genre or author; or maybe even both ways if possible
[/i] Need to make a good system of games! You to have a chance to correct the error (trouble)! If you can of course Could be Multiplayer addition. I came into the game, I came in multiplayer and play with other players in the health of Armor Games
I like the idea, maybe a almost que type of thing like on netflix( I would show a pic, but it is copyrighted and stuff and iz got some of the lazeynesslol) with a list of games with your favorite on top with a "send to top" button next to each one and/or a box with a number in it ,of which place it is in, that you can change to make it go to the place of the number value you put in it (ie. Put in 2 and it is secod from the top, put in 6 and it is sixth from the top,ect.) That is in your edit veiw only of corse. and maybe adding a way to see how many times you've played it or some thing like that.
I like the idea cormyn said about sorting them alphabetically. But I just think we could just sort them ourselves. Or even sort them by the author of the games.
We'll probably allow you to sort it in several different ways:
- in the order you added them as favorites - oldest game to newest game (when they were added to the site) - alphabetically - popularity with other users (plays or ratings) - custom order
The custom ordering is *possible* but I'm pretty sure that won't be a "launch" feature. We'll probably just do alphabetical and popularity to start.
Sounds like a good idea... we all have to remember that when Ag3 is officaly relesed that it will not be a set in stone site that can't be changed but more of a big lump of clay that does not harden and can be changed at any time to the better so if we want a feture they can take more time to get the feature out so it is made just perfect but if it does not work it can be puld right of and either started again or scraped with out overholling the site *ever* again!
Yes, we're building AG3 in a way that adding/changing features will be MUCH easier than it is with AG2. We have a set list of features in mind for "launch", and other new ideas will be added to a "ost-launch" list which we'll prioritize once we've launched.
Hmm I think that would be a lot easyer cuz you already have the verables to play of of... but I think it is all TBD realy. When they try it they will see how much time they have to make it.
I think we should be able to write a 30 word comment on the game, and it will appear in quotes underneath it on our favorites list. I also think we should be able to do this with our friends.
Jdogg that has not been mentoined, but that would take up to much room and would slow thing down. And for every game you fav! Plus the mods would have to check it all and look at each one. Plus not a lot of people would use it but to put. "Good game". And that would just make more spam.
But kartosssparta, can I just call you kart? What will be coneing out? Ag3? Some time hopfull this year... but no one realy knows not even larry(head of web dev) , so it will be out when it is finished lol! But you can help at the beta version of the site just search beta.armorgames, and request an invite and next relaese you will get one! But you are testing the site not frolocing the site, if you have not already. But if your talking about the fav game furtuer.... well IDK, it could be next release or the next one or the next one or the next one or ect.
I believe "favorite game" management will be added on the next release later this month.
By the time AG3 launches, we will have the following ways available for users to sort: - the order you added them to the system (ascending/descending) - alphabetical (ascending/descending) - how many times everyone has played it (asc/desc) - game rating (asc/desc)
Things we'll add after launch: - sort by how many times YOU have played the game - custom sort order where you micro-manage how they're sorted