Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
I would say jade empire because its a really free game but at the same time it's easy to follow so you don't really get lost. ANd i thik i have more than one so also the dynasty warriors gaming empire. and Otogi cause it's amazing >.<
The Total War series is the best series of strategy/tactics game.It combines realistic battles with nation development. Another great series is Call of Duty, in my opinion the most realistic shooters with the best gameplay.
xbox 360 is my favorite console... the halo series of course is the biggest thing for the 360. but back in the day GB color with my pokemon blue/yellow/silver was the way to go!
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of time is, without a doubt, the best video game ever created. As for this generation, CoD : modern warfare revolutionized the first-person shooter game type.