Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
Ratchet and Clank, Silent Hill series and Fatal Frame series. I like the games that give me nightmares and creeps and I forgot Resident Evil series and Left 4 Dead(1&2).
PC - heroes of might and magic - first game I played, came out there year I was born. PS2 - Time splitters series - first FPS I had, all the gaming I needed for three years and is still fun today. Xbox - Halo one, my uncle had an xbox and I always looked forward to visit him and play some good old fashioned halo. Xbox 360 - I'm a halo fan so it has to be halo reach
@Slair How could I have forgotten Jak&Dexter? Fantabulous game.
Also, I have to add Beyond Good and Evil, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus to my fav list. Those games were an experience. I really wish there was a way I could erase my memory of Ico just so I could relive it once again. It's just not the same the second (third, fourth, ah who's counting anymore?) time.
The Resident Evil series would have made it to my list but as the series went on and on, it went from the highway to off-road. I mean come-on. the change in location was okay. but from zombies to thinking villagers? What the?! even if Word of God states that they're zombies, i personally don't think they are. Now, it became from a HORROR game to a SHOOT-'EM-UP class, just like the Silent Hill series which also didn't make it to my list because it became a SHOOT 'EM UP GAME.
I'd personally say that COD is an excllent example of fps hooters developing, ive not played many, but i have played early and late, great games. PC is the way to go on gaming, higher graphics, connection, player number, and more. But n.1 has to be bethesda for The Elder Scrolls.
Battlefield series. Period. Great gameplay, awesome campaign, even more awesome multiplayer, and amazing weapons. The thing that I probably like best, though, is that no weapon is overpowered. Sure, one weapon might be a little bit better, but it took some time to get to it. With COD, F.A.M.A.S was way too high rate of fire (Yes, I'm talking about you, Black Ops.) And, of course, Battlefield 3. Sure, it took them 7 or so years to make another one, but they got it right. I mean, COD went downhill ever since Modern Warfare. The first one was awesome, but that was it. So, what I'm trying to say is that Battlefield will always reign supreme in the long run.