Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
My favorite series of all time is The Legend of Zelda. The story is amazing, the music beautiful, and the gameplay is just awesome. It involves enough puzzle elements to make you use a walkthrough and there's enough action to satisfy you. It is very challenging and has an extensive amount of gameplay. 200/10. I love the 3DS because of the updated graphics in LOZ OOT and I also love Super Street Fighter 4: 3D edition, which brings me to the XBox 360, another one of my favorite consoles. I guess I like it because it has its own network that you can personalize to your satisfaction. That's all I can think of for now.
I liked a lot my old PS2. It was the second console I had in my life and I liked to play soccer games on it. I was a beast. I used to play with my friends every weekend. I also liked to play James Bond games, they were epic at the time.
Games: Duke Nukem 3D Shadow Warrior Doom I & Doom II Minecraft Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
All of these games have one thing in common: They totally PWN CoD!!!!!!!! Although I am looking forward to the release of Black Ops II. I've heard it's going to be way better than all of the other CoD games! I'll sell BO1, which was horrible, by the way, and buy Black Ops II! And if it is horrible, I'll wait until Doom 4 is released and then sell it!
Consoles: Playstation 2 Wii Playstation Portable
Note: Consoles are crud compared to the old trusty PC. PC games have so much better graphics, not to mention that you can mod PC games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!