ForumsGames[vs] Favourite GAME/CONSOLE of all time

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Use this thread to express your opinions on different games.
You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post.
However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.


Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is...
CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as...
Xbox: I think the best game for this is -

and so on.
  • 839 Replies
5,875 posts

There are a lot of great games out there but at the moment I'd say Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. It has a great story and quite an interesting multiplayer as well. And if you're bored, just go around killing guards get notorious and keep killing guards.

Gran Theft Auto is also a good free roam game like Endscape said no discussion needed.

1 posts

It's not a game that can be purchased in stores, but I thoroughly enjoy Castle Crashers. I bought it via XBox live store, and plainly, it's AWESOME.

5,642 posts

The best singular game I've played in the last decade, hands down, is Red Dead Redemption. Not only is the gameplay really smooth moving and nice (Run n' gun, taking cover, etc. are all possible options for gameplay), but its plot is simply amazing. It's open ended so there's no real pressure to go out and do any story missions, and there's so, so many things that you can do in your spare time.

Not only that, but the setting is marvelous. It represents old Spaghetti western films perfectly and it captures the over the top awesomeness of all of the previous films starring that one Western BA (his name escapes me). GOre isn't everywhere- what little gore the game uses is in tasteful context- and the plot, as stated before, is just amazing.

GO out, and buy this game. Now. Do it!

295 posts

Assassin's Creed, this game gave me all i wanted:
killing spree.

5,952 posts

My all around favorite are Mario games. There good, fun games that never get old, and this is coming from a CoD fan

1,608 posts

The elder scrolls series were always my favourite games. But i liked Assassins creed to until i completed the game.

15,595 posts

I figure I should update my Dynasty Warriors post on the first page since it was poorly written and I left out some things. I'm also going to talk about some other games I enjoy playing.

Dynasty Warriors
The Dynasty Warriors games are available on the:
PS3, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Xbox, PC, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo GBA.

I like the Dynasty Warriors games, especially number 4-6. That's when they were the best in my opinion. They added all new weapons, characters, missions, challenges, options, etc..

In number 4 it was the only game I would really play. It had decent graphics, fun gameplay, options available, and the fighting is great.

In number 5 it was better. More characters, missions, options, improved graphics, better fighting, and AI.

With number 6. I spent the most time on that one. Although the story for each character was shorter, it was good. Number 6 has the best graphics, I like that and the cut-scenes are better. I did like how the missions were different for every character. That's something that the previous versions lacked.

In 4 and 5 they are mostly the same, but 6 changed it.

Except for a few things. Like how they changed most characters clothing and weapons. The one person that didn't need that is Xiahou Dun. I don't mind the clothing but his weapon changed from a kirin fang to a giant club and it's slow when you attack. Dian Wei's weapon changed from an axe to a ball on a chain. It was really slow and hard to fight with.

Dynasty Warriors is set in ancient China during the time of the 3 kingdoms era. The places were supposedly recreations of the ancient battles.

There are 3 main factions you could choose from:
Wei, Wu, and Shu.

For Wei, I think Wei are only power hungry animals. In the story it looked that way to me. The person in charge Cao Cao would just invade everywhere and didn't care who he killed or betrayed.

For Wu, they were neutral, not bad nor good. They would friend everyone then when the time was right they would strike and take people down. Couldn't really trust them.

For Shu, They were the most noble and virtuous. They started off small with only Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but they grew when people noticed how good and helpful they were.

Dynasty Warriors 4
Dynasty Warriors 5
Dynasty Warriors 6

I also like Dynasty Warriors Empires 4, 5 and 6. Those games are like the previous ones, except it's a giant map then you choose your army, lieutenants, commanders, etc..

After you choose all that stuff you would choose which places to invade. You can also make alliances with other people. And if they get invaded then you can choose to send some troops in there and help them or sit idly by while they battle.

Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires
Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires

With Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce, I think Koei ruined it. That game was a huge letdown. They added some new things to the game: Triple jumping, something when you gain enough kills you would turn into something that looked like a super saiyan mode, flying in the air, new fighting style, and giant animals that you would battle against. Some of those features ruined the game. The flying is unnecessary. That made it look plain out fake. They added giant animals for you to fight against. That made the game look unrealistic. You could add animals of normal stature to the game to make it appear to be more realistic and when you battled another commander the animals would be around him, but not these giant creatures.

Dynasty Warriors 7 it out now. However, I haven't had the chance to play it, yet. I've seen the site and how they are talking about it, the game looks wonderful. I'll have to play it soon. With Dynasty Warriors 7 I hope they fix all these unnecessary features and make it how it was in 6, but with more characters, more weapon variety, more stages to play on, and different ways to travel.

Mortal Kombat
I like the Mortal Kombat games, especially the ones available for the PS2. I like it because of all the characters, campaign mode, versus mode, create a fighter, and the fatalities. The create a fighter feature is only in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I didn't like the fatalities in Armageddon, though. I don't understand why they made it where you press random buttons for the fatalities instead of giving the individual characters their own fatalities like in the previous games. If the creators would've made it where the characters have their own fatalities and the random button pressing, then I think I would've liked it more. A great thing about Mortal Kombat: Armageddon is that it has all the Mortal Kombat characters and you only have to unlock four of them out of about sixty.

I usually play Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat: Deception for the fatalities. However, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance lacks a lot of characters that I like. There's only about sixteen-twenty in that game. I think Mortal Kombat: Deception has the best story line out of them all. You start off as a young teenager training and eventually grow older and older in the game while trying to recover some artifacts, or something. That one didn't have many characters, though. Only about thirty, but that's more than what's in Deadly Alliance. A thing that I really enjoyed about Deception was the chess mode. The moves of chess combined with the fighting in Mortal Kombat is very enjoyable.

The ninjas are my favorite fighters. My favorite ninjas include; Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Reptile, Chameleon, Rain, Noob Saibot, and Smoke. I also like some of the other people such as Raiden, Liu Kang, and some others. I mainly use Scorpion and Sub-Zero, though.

If Mortal Kombat: Deception and Mortal Kombat: Armageddon were combined, then I'd say that would be the best Mortal Kombat game. Combining the fatalities and storyline from Deception and the characters from Armageddon would be excellent.

I enjoy games that involve action, a good story line, drama, and is lengthy. A few games that fits those would be some of the Dynasty Warriors games, Mortal Kombat games, and Splinter Cell games. Heavy Rain fits in a good story line, drama, and takes quite a while to beat. However, there's not much action besides some fighting scenarios. I also enjoy FPS games such as Call Of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo. Those games all give a lot of action and a somewhat good storyline. They lack in length, though. I find myself beating those games in a matter of hours. But they are great for online gameplay and gameplay against your friends.

1 posts

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D is amazing

4 posts

All time favorite has to be anything that relates to Warhammer Fantasy or 40k. I excited and can not wait for Warhammer 40kark millenium. I also could say i loved Diablo 2 and can't wait for Diablo 3.

3 posts

for me Meincraft is the best game of all time, it doesnt look great if you look at the graphik, but the gameplay is soooo awesome, cant get enough

4 posts

best games i think are the fable series cuz... well everyong knows what i mean :P who doesnt wanna be evil?

11 posts

halo is the best by far for xbox.....
for ps the best is definitly ratchet and clank.....
for wii its zelda......

109 posts

Im going with the classics.
Mario 64 all the way!

159 posts

CoD is one of my favorite games.

3 posts

i really like star wars battle front's really old but has good multiplayer and graphics and i like how you can choose a class instead of just being the same

Showing 271-285 of 839