ForumsGames[vs] Favourite GAME/CONSOLE of all time

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Use this thread to express your opinions on different games.
You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post.
However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.


Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is...
CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as...
Xbox: I think the best game for this is -

and so on.
  • 839 Replies
56 posts

My favorite game would have to be Shogun 2 Total War

3 posts

I actually like Batman: Arkhum Asylum for PS3. I give it a 9.3/10. Its not perfect but worth playing. I'm waiting for Arkhum City. Look into these games.

2 posts

My favorite game is TES IV : Oblivion. I don't know how many hours i spended there, but more than 100 !
Can't wait the 11/11, for TES V !

35 posts

Xbox 360, Assasin's Creed series, and super mario

99 posts

Half-life 1, Half-life 2 and episodes, Portal, Assassin's creed series. This games loves millions people over the world.

417 posts

i am a fan of the Gears of War series. I really like the campaign and the co-op is awesome

122 posts

I only have a Wii, so probably Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Super Smash Bros.Brawl.

294 posts

The Legend Of Zelda series for Wii, DS, and basically any other Nintendo System; because the whole thing is like a puzzle trying to figure out just how to figure out the first mission, how to find the two bosses in every dungeon, and also at the end of Twilight Princess there are four stages in the final Boss and actually one of my brothers Friends who can finish a game in about a few hours took a whole day in Play time to finish it not including extra items he actually had to find he just got the essentials and the other items he found along the way only after he beat the final boss did he loook for them. So 9.5/10 for the whole series its rated that because some people get so angry trying to solve that they throw there Wiimote and Nunchuck on the ground like with heavy force

My second is Super Smash Bros Brawl for the wii; for you can change the color of your charachter in the game like one of Links color changes you can make him look evil and same with his other form also you can have snake fight pikachu and Lucario fight Bowser But my favorite is having a green Toon Link, a blue Toon Link, a red Toon Link, and a purple Toon Link fight each other( the hero's of The Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords

Finally Saints Row 2 for the Ps3 and maybe for the XBOX 360; this game is awesome because even once you beat the storyline you can roam around the huge city blowing up things with a RPG occasionally with a bud who is another Real Life person playingand with cheats you can do almost anything like making yourself giant or minimize yourself also make cars chase after you no matter where you are, with low gravity, Unlimited ammo, Invinciblity, and even the power to stop the cops and other gangs from chasing after you.

8 posts

fifa 11 as it is an incredibly fun and enjoysble game toon play

2 posts

my favorite game is Red Dead Redemprion for x box 360 awesome game

4,206 posts

Here are my favorite games for now:

It's a FPS like non other. You do not feel the repetition of the usually FPS game, while you enjoy the brilliant story with great characters and emotions. The combat system is impressive and interacts with the environment far more then any FPS I played. A wonderful game that everyone should give it a try.

Mass effect series
Probably one of the best RPG I've played. This game gives you the feeling that you are the main character. And that feeling isn't just an illusion. In these games, you can choose a lot of your moves. Even through I don't believe you have as much liberty as fallout, I do believe that the metal impact on the player is greater in this game, as you get attached to the characters in the game more then any other game I ever played. Heck, it's like watching a movie, just that you are taking the decisions!

Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Both games are pretty much the same, so they are as equally as good. Except fir sandbox games, I never had such a liberty in a game, the first time I played it, it blew my mind! The wasteland is very beautiful to look at even if the graphics aren't top priority. Great wonderful game, with lots of different ways to survive.

I have not played all the Mario games (some of the are hard to get), but all the Mario games that I have played where no disappointment. Very creative, while keeping the same Mario atmosphere, every Mario game I played was as satisfying as ever. Many adventure games failed, but Mario showed, that by keeping it simple and original, great games are bound to happen.

Well that all my favorite games (I think), I will probably add the elder sroll series in my faves once I get around those games, considering it seems to be an excellent RPG serie, and I love excellent RPGs.

7 posts

My favorite game would probably be the original 007 Goldeneye for the N64. So many memories with multiplayer and this game also revolutionized fps.

15,595 posts

Star Wars: Battlefront I and II
Star Wars: Battlefront I and II are both first person and third person shooters. There are many modes in these two games. Those include; campaign, galactic conquest, instant action, and multiplayer. I enjoy playing the campaign mode because it's lengthy and filled with a lot of action, it also has a deep storyline. Well, you would expect that since both these games are based on the movies. Galactic conquest is decent. You simply have a ship, then you go around battling on the planets, you can also battle in space. It's an enjoyable mode. Instant action is where you can play all the levels and many different modes. Those modes include; conquest, capture the flag, assault, and some others. On conquest you simply have to kill all the enemies or capture all the bases, on capture the flag you just have to capture the enemies flag and return it to your base, and on assault you just have to kill a certain amount of enemies. I'm fond of the assault mode on Star Wars: Battlefront II because on a map you can play as the heroes and villains, those are the Jedi, Sith, and some of the human heroes and villains. On Star Wars: Battlefront I you couldn't play as the Jedi, Sith, nor some of the human heroes and villains, so it's wonderful they introduced those things into the sequel. You can also choose from a few factions. Those factions include; the Republic, the CIS, the Empire, and the Rebels. Each faction has their own unique forces, heroes, and villains. Multiplayer is very enjoyable because you can play online and with up to four family members and/or friends. I mainly play it with my friends because people don't use the online multiplayer on the PlayStation 2 anymore. These two games bring hours of enjoyment because you have many things to do within the game. I assure you, if you are a fan of shooters and Star Wars, you won't get bored of these two games easily.

43 posts

i like almost all the fps games like cod on ps3 AVA or TF2 on pc (steam) !

6 posts

The Best PC Game Series The World Has Ever Seen-
Age of Empires

I strongly think that Age of Empires 2 is the best computer game ever. I first started playing this game series when i was 2. My dad got me started on Age of Empires 1 and ever since then I have loved the series.

The Best Xbox/Xbox 360 Game Series Ever Made-

The Halo series is my favorite game for Xbox and Xbox 360. I started Halo 1 when I was 5 years old. The campaigns for the Halo series are the best campaigns i have ever played, even though they down-graded as they went on. And that is just the campaign... the multiplayer on Xbox Live is AWESOME. I have had an extreme amount of fun on the multiplayer with my friends. Halo is the best gaming experience I had and probably will ever have.

So Basically I <3 Age of Empires and Halo. =D

Showing 331-345 of 839