Who is going to win???My faves in this championship is Sweden..(They pwn everything)They have a good lineup.I hope they`ll win!WHois your fave?Cheers,/Dambo
You probably need to specify: the world championships for what?Because I have a hard time thinking of what the Swedes would pwn at :P
In eating Swedish Fish. Duh. What else are they good at? ^_^I imagine that he is talking about football(soccer), but I could be wrong. And what other team is playing? That would be good to know.
He means the European championship. Last time (2004), Greece won. This year they have a good chance... again.
Ok i`m sorry!!! Forgot (I fail)Hockey!!Where do you live, in kazakhstan???
Go rangers
Ah, right, European Hockey championships. Still, either Australian team would give the lot of them a right hiding :P
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