ForumsWEPRMississippi State Flag Controversy

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1,322 posts

In recent years, the state of Mississippi's flag (seen above) has caught a lot of flack for being racist... or discriminatory...etc

this idea spurs from the fact that it incorporates the flag of the confederacy into its make.

such controversy includes.... some people wanting it changed for the indecency and proposing a new flag... (proposal was put to a vote and lost 2-1) From my research, the state flag was only put in place post civil war. Mississippi flew different colors during the dispute.

i think it was prior to Katrina... there was a giant flag display on Biloxi beach that incorporated several very large flags of different kinds... most notable was the nation's flag and of course Mississippi's own.... some local people were outraged and wanted it off of the display... the city of Biloxi basically said "make-me" and it stayed.

recently the University of Mississippi , Ole Miss, had it's mascot (Colonel Reb) evicted and replaced with another... of somewhat humorous ethnicity... the Black bear.... all because the Colonel was insensitive and bad so to speak. (i was so hoping Admiral Ackbar would assume the throne :'(... no luck)

I ask now for your opinions.... should the Current state flag be allowed to continue flying? it was voted to stay by the very people of Mississippi... does that matter? < that was asked b/c people still bicker about it.

i brought up the Col. Reb matter b/c it happened b/c of the exact same mentality.

or is bickering over a flag just a silly trivial matter?

forgive my inability to express the OP in a more coherent and intelligible fashion

  • 14 Replies
3,086 posts

To be honest, all state flags will provoke some rivalry regardless of history. From what you've said, yeah I reckon it should change it's flag to something completely original that both parties agree on.

(i was so hoping Admiral Ackbar would assume the throne :'(... no luck)

Now THAT'S discrimination!
5,001 posts

lol, this is great. I attended Ole Miss and also voted on the matter of the flag when I was there.

recently the University of Mississippi , Ole Miss, had it's mascot (Colonel Reb) evicted and replaced with another... of somewhat humorous ethnicity... the Black bear.... all because the Colonel was insensitive and bad so to speak. (i was so hoping Admiral Ackbar would assume the throne :'(... no luck)

THIS is a much bigger deal to a lot of Mississippians than the flag. The lose of our mascot (while I was attending) has been tragic. It's killed a lot of athletic pride.

Sure these symbols outside of this context definitely mean racism. But what about in context? We didn't wear Col. Reb shirts to promote racism, we did it for school spirit.

I don't know. I'm biased on this situation.
359 posts

In my personal opinion the flag should stay. It has been there for over 100 years and people are just now making a big deal out of it. The Confederacy is an important part of history, no matter your views on it, and if racism is going to be brought into the matter, the Civil War was about a lot more than slavery, in fact that was one of the minor issues. Mississippi contained the capitol of the short-lived Confederacy, and this part of the flag could be considered a reminder of what happened.

On top of that, do I need to bring up the freedoms that our country holds so high that relate to this situation? A simple pattern is bringing up this much hate and controversy, people need to find problems that actually affect something more than hurt feelings and focus their energies into those instead. /end rant

1,322 posts

i'm not sure that the Colonel even promoted racism... he was just a southern plantation owner right? there were plantations w/o slaves and their were plantations owned by african american/black people who in fact owned slaves.

i'm not sure i agree with everything he says but whoever this was brings up a few points... i wonder if his statements are backed up w/ actual fact of not

but all of this is only relevant if the reader cares or has an opinion of the situation

1,322 posts

actually I do not think Mississippi held the capital of the confederacy... if it did, then it was only for a very short time. however, Jefferson Davis did in fact take up residence after the fact in Biloxi, Mississippi till he died... granted anyone alive could travel around on trips and such... but i do know he had a house there. The Jefferson Davis Beauvoir is what its called... if its still there after Katrina

5,001 posts

My knowledge of the Civil War and a lot of American history is meek. It's just so dang boring to me. But wasn't Vicksburg, MS a big confederacy hot spot?

1,322 posts

there's a battle and civil war memorial park there... i ran through there once on a 10 mile run (...omg hills). I don't know the history. but i think south carolina ... or some state up around that area was the actual at least formal seat of the confederacy

755 posts

I think Mississippi should be allowed to carry this flag. The general public tends to forget historic relevance. Not everything in the south is based off ignorance!

1,448 posts

That's the beauty of democracy.

Your post had nothing to do with democracy, but OK. I see what you're saying.

First off - to clear things up, the Civil War was not fought about slavery. It was fought about the unity of the United States. That said, I don't believe that anybody should be forced to be patriotic, and I do not recognize patriotism as a positive trait. Patriotism has the potential to be used as a mode of installing tyranny. Perhaps one could say that patriotism is the idea that the people should follow the government; not that the government should follow the people.

The Mississippi flag, which resembles the Confederate flag has very little to do with racism. Thus, it should be allowed.
26,677 posts

Before I divuldge the contents of this speach, [b]I AM NOT A RACIST[/b]. The Cofederate flag represents freedom from tyranny and preservation of culture, the same as the US flag. The only difference between the US and CS is that the US won its revolution and the CS lost its revolution and it was deemed a civil war. What isn't taught in schools is that Lincoln was planning to evict all blacks back to Africa. Who is a racist now Yankee? Yeehaw, the South shall rise again.

3,437 posts

Oh look! More stupidty! YAY! Seriously wtf, we're so friggen sensitive these days about things that "may offend". Anything "may offend" someone. It doesn't mean it will. How about all the people you offend when you take something they take pride in away? Gee didn't think of that did you Captain Considerate did you?

26,677 posts

The words of a true sage indeed.

858 posts

It also has the colors of a) the flag of France and b) the flag of the US. Are they offended by those tooà It`s amazing how offended people can be by some colors and some stripes.

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