I do hope that by 'nuking it' you mean 'spend several months camped out in the desert slowly moving the entire hill to one side in order to uncover whatever is inside it' - right?
Because that will involve a LOT of digging. *drools*
Because that will involve a LOT of digging. *drools*
*Sigh* Dwarves.
I do hope that by 'nuking it' you mean 'spend several months camped out in the desert slowly moving the entire hill to one side in order to uncover whatever is inside it' - right?
Well, since that's obviously the solution...we've officially broken the module.
What makes you so sure?
I'd like to congratulate us all on a job well done. Tomb of Horrors - the only winning move is not to play.
Ooh ooh ooh! You've...beeeeeeen.... trolled, you've been trolled, you have probably been told "Don't reply to this guy, he is just getting a rise out of you". Yes it's true, you respond and that's his cue to start trouble on the double while he strokes his manly stubble. You've been trolled, you've been trolled, you should probably just fold when the only winning move is not to play...and yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying, you've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day!