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1-3 would make it impossible to run and >15 would be too much work on my part. But nevermind i already gave up on it.
Wait, what? **** Dibs, you'll still have three players!
Seeing as you're the only one that objected to it.....
I assume Hyper's lack of aj ajswer is a no ajd even if spikkle said yes that's still only 2. Not worth my continued effort.
Shouldn't you wait until Hyper gives an answer to decide?
It's been almost 2 hours since I first asked so i think i am justified in assuming a no. My storytelling ability isnt very good anyway.
Yes, but I do believe that she has left.
And the 2 hours between then and now wasnt an ample time window before i asume the worst?
There is also the chance she could have missed it or not felt the need to affirm.
Considering she--- whatever we'll do our way and wait.
Dibs, you don't want to play, so why do you even care?
Thread is locked!