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Name: Fyre UthgardPlayer: DragonAge: 126Sex: FRace: Half ElfClass: ClericDomains: Earth, FireLevel: 8Alignment: NGAppearance: Crimson hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, 5'7", shining chainmail partially covered with clothes.Hit Points: 94Str: 16Dex: 14Con: 14Int: 14Wis: 18Cha: 16Com: BAB: +4Attack (Melee): +7Attack (Ranged): +6AC: Armor: Fort: +7Ref: +6Will: +9Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Skills: Know(History) 11, Know(Planes) 11, Diplomacy 11, Concentration 11Weapons: Features: Turn Undead, Turn Water, Command FireTraits: Immunity to Sleep, +2 on Saves from Enchantment, Low-Light Vision, +1 Spot/Listen/Search, +2 Diplomacy/Gather Information, Elven BloodLanguages: Common, Elven, Terran, UndercommonEquipment:
Nice, so we all has character. Sweet. Well Dragon is this character not that broken?
It looks decent, but you broke alignment.....
No, he said it would be more fun if we were Evil, but we decided as a party to be Good.....
No, we had 2/3 majority.....
Hyper was the one that suggested Good, not me.....
Dibs, will you start actually paying attention to what we say?
Dibs, every time I tried to say you forgot something, you ****ed me out of a deal and denied forgetting it because it never happened.....
Dibs..... I absolutely hate you in every regard.....
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