DBS: Everybody you are looking for has already entered, toug you dont know this.
Still saying he would have been by the door from the start and asking anybody who came in if they are *insert name*. But he just stays by the door all night.
"Thank you." He pays with a fair tip(enough to put him on good terms, but not so much as to make himself conspicuous). And doesn't drink, or pretends to if she waits.
DBS: Kk,youre in the future rigt now. Ill.notify you when i use my magic DM powers to aid ye.
Still say that he wouldn't be knocked unconscious for falling over. And if I had known he was here to meet someone in specific not just here at random he would have been at the door form the start, but since this is the future as he gets up he looks for the girl he was talking to earlier, "ugh what hit me?"
Well this is happening since he woke up, even though he shouldn't have been unconscious in the first place, and he is not aware that he is here looking for someone since if he was he would have done it differently.