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She was going to when they started drinking together.....
Thanks to your guy, that is..... I offered free drinks.....
This a a bar and you did seem a bit too invasive DB.
He could have at least said why he was staring.....
Oi I almost forgot his hair is graying and he has a few wrinkles startingHow old is she Paris?
**** wrong thread
Loco, you ****ing idiot, why are you even in this thread?
Hyper, did you forget what her hair looks like?
Well it isnt exclusively a bar, it's the standard Tavern with an elaborate bar.I thougt you people knew who you were looking for, hence why you're all at the same tavern,,,
Yes, but big, flashy, fire red hair would be a good excuse.....
All right, all right. I'll try to move things along. "Wait!" >.> Cut the guy some slack. His only friend in the world is a raptor.
She stops and looks back."Yes?"
"...I guess I owe you a drink." This is a slight break of character, but I don't have much choice.
Thread is locked!