Agreed. As fascinating as this chat about other characters is, it's distracting away from our Underdark mission. You know, the one that we're actually playing - here - and now.
On that note, Vilbern sidles over at the mention of a Dwarven artifact and coughs, raggedly. "Excuse me...but I couldn't help overhearing that you've got a job going. One which might benefit from my particular talents."
Agreed. As fascinating as this chat about other characters is, it's distracting away from our Underdark mission. You know, the one that we're actually playing - here - and now.
Weren't we playing a different game here? Yo Spikkle want to join my game.
Vilbern grins. "I specialise in finding things which others would prefer stayed hidden," he says simply. "The Underdark is a terrible place for a couple of surface-dwellers to be, especially if they're not entirely sure where to start looking."
He gets out a die and starts running it between his fingers, starting intently as he does so. "Of course, my most recent research has been into the very nature of causality itself. When you can bend fate to your will, all sorts of possiblities begin to open up for you."
He puts the little cube down onto the counter-top, as if putting those thoughts to one side for a moment, and looks back and forth between the two strangers in front of him.
"What do you say? If nothing else, you could always use a dwarf to guide you through the darker places of this world..."