Have you ever heard Choose the Right? I actually think it's sung by the BYU Choir instead of the MoTab, but still. Now I'm stuck on nursery rhymes. I looked out the window, and what did I see? Popcorn a-popping on the apricot tree! Shush, of course it's possible for popcorn to grow on apricot trees. >.>
Have you ever heard Choose the Right? I actually think it's sung by the BYU Choir instead of the MoTab, but still. Now I'm stuck on nursery rhymes. I looked out the window, and what did I see? Popcorn a-popping on the apricot tree! Shush, of course it's possible for popcorn to grow on apricot trees. >.>
Of course you haven't. I think my grandma taught me the Popcorn Popping one. I also know the line "San toki toki ya", but that's literally all I know, just the one line. >.> You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. ****, now I'm on a lullaby phase, and they're the catchiest **** things. I'll be stuck humming these tunes for weeks.
Of course you haven't. I think my grandma taught me the Popcorn Popping one. I also know the line "San toki toki ya", but that's literally all I know, just the one line. >.> You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. ****, now I'm on a lullaby phase, and they're the catchiest **** things. I'll be stuck humming these tunes for weeks.
Yeah still no idea what you be talking about. So Hyper, what music do you like?