I think you should do it. According to D20, a magic weapon makes its ammunition magical. Tell me what kind of magics you were adding onto it. From what I see, you might want to try an elemental bonus, Seeking, or Range.
I already know all of that, I am wondering what kind of elemental damage to put onto it, or what kind of damage boost to put onto it, if any at all since I still have other items to pick out. And for melee weapons I was thinking something like a scythe or maybe an elvin thin/courtblade.
I think you might want to try for Flaming. (What quest were you guys sent off to do anyway?)
We are retrieving an artifact, oh and flaming would go nicely with my dragonbreath arrows.
What do you mean by a damage boost?
An couple example are vicious and merciful, vicious does two d6 point of damage to who ever you hit and one d6 to you, it is a +1 enchantment, while merciful does two d6 of damage but non to you, only the damage is nonlethal.
We are retrieving an artifact, oh and flaming would go nicely with my dragonbreath arrows.
What are those?
An couple example are vicious and merciful, vicious does two d6 point of damage to who ever you hit and one d6 to you, it is a +1 enchantment, while merciful does two d6 of damage but non to you, only the damage is nonlethal.
I think both of those are a terrible idea. We don't need you, a scout, to be forced to melee so he doesn't die. Out of either one I think you should try merciful.
I think both of those are a terrible idea. We don't need you, a scout, to be forced to melee so he doesn't die. Out of either one I think you should try merciful.
You twit, those can be applied to any weapon and I was using them as examples, FOOL!
What are those?
Basically they are special arrows designed to set on fire as they fly threw the air, they deal extra damage and possibly set people and and things on fire.