Denchot:You're still on the second floor the inn bro. Oooooh. When you go downstairs, there are a few servants straightening out a table and you spot huge rip in one of the runner carpets. One very upset proprietor/manager beelines towards you from the door, where he was talking to 2 Dwarf guards like you saw on top of the hill.
Monsieur DBS gets ignored in favor of the carpet. My dude follows Denchot's dude whose name I have forgotten.
He jogs up to him, "what's wrong, or is the carpet just that fascinating?" As he finishes he also looks down to see if the carpet is in fact, fascinating.
"Your friend in the arkor," te propietor begins as he huffs and puffs," came blazing through here chasing after a goblin. Ajd he left quite the mess and destroyed my door." One of the guards moves the door so you can see it, and there is indeed a slash mark going clean through the solid stone door.