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Inflict major wounds so stfu.......
Cause disease.
He's already infected with a nasty disease.
O_o to your own teammate?
She is ruthless, cold hearted, relentless, iron fisted.......... it's a very long list.
Sounds like any women with her monthly visitor.
Except permanent.
*Goes on a long ramble about Mother Russia, drinking and Russian women*
No bad sirnoobs no vodka for you. So Dragon you basically made Oprah your character.
HELL NO!!! I assume you watch Full Metal Alchemist? She is an evil version of Armstrong's sister.
I like Armstrong, So If Ed and Al's teacher is sorta bordering, can we say she is her but tipped towards the dark, or how bout Lust, she's awesome. specially the way she dies.
Do you mean in Brotherhood or the original? Gen Armstrong is the scariest woman I have ever seen.
What about Ed and Al's teacher she scares me, and if it's an anime there's a good chance I have seen it.
Do you know who Gen Armstrong is or not? She is FAR scarier than Izuno and Arasys is the evil version of her, understand?
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