No a bulette is to powerful for a first level druid and here is locos full character Flag Name:Tyrenneth "Tye" Player: Locoace5 Age:68 Sex:M Looks:5'3", black stubble on his head, dark blue eyes (look black from afar), a graying goatee Race:Half Elf Class:Monk Alignment- Lawful Evil Level:1 Strength(14) Dexterity(16) Constitution(14) Intelligence(10) Wisdom (16) Charisma(12) Saves:Fortitude(4) Reflex(5) Will(5) Hit points:10 Attack+2 or +0/+0) Damage1d6+4/1d6+4) Armor Class(AC):16 Feats:Stunning fist, Improved Grapple Features:Flurry of blows, Unarmedstrike Skills:Jump,Swim,climb,Tumble Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on)
thor in 307 look at the most recent character sheet i put is that ok and what if i got the Bulette in a baby form if answer still is a no ill accept the light horse