Here's the new forum for D&D, I saved you the trouble.For anyone who wants to join here, see the other D&D forum for information.
Don't forget that Lady Hypermenstra will also be gracing us with her presence.*bows to Hyper*
Oh, right I don't really know hyper but, she was one of the original members for the other dnd thread right?
She is an original member of both of the threads.
Interesting, So, do already kind of have a background for your Paladin of Tyranny?
Actually, we should probably be having a conversation on our profiles shouldn't we?
Since it is on topic, we can have it here.My PalTyr was actually inspired by Hyper's Paladin in the other thread, hence high Str, Cha and the cross-dressing involved.
Oh, that's I realy have no idea what Back story or personality I am going to give my Druid I am really drawing a blank
This should be a good example of my char personality.
I sort of laughed but, I get you I have seen the anime that's pretty cool
Since you have seen the anime, you should know not to mess with Arasys.
yeah,ut, wont the character interaction be really tense for the fact we are all evil I mean we probably will agree in many things but, when it comes to other situations like sharing plunder, or healing each other when its needed stuff like that
I will use Arasys as the de facto leader, but only for party unison and keeping us Evil.
Once we get to level 2, mah AG rogue will probably be either funny or annoying :P
Probably funny because he is annoying.Just try not to get killed by her.......
Thread is locked!