Here's the new forum for D&D, I saved you the trouble.For anyone who wants to join here, see the other D&D forum for information.
--------------------Basic Information----------------------Name: Flynn Fine. Player: HypermnestraAge: 21.Gender: Male.Race: HumanClass: BardLevel: 1. Level Equivalency: 1.Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Deity: Finder Wyvernspur. Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Sylvan, Goblin. ------Attributes----------Str: 7[-2]. Dex: 12[+1]. Con: 3[-4]. Int: 18[+4].Wis: 16[+3]. Cha: 18[+4].Fort Save: +0Ref Save: +2Will Save: +2Hit Points: 1/1.Base Attack Bonus: +0. AC: ------------------Equipment-------------------------------Clothing: Entertainer's Outfit. Off Hand: Empty. Primary Hand: Trumpet[Masterwork]. Miscellaneous: Adventurer's Kit. GP: 0.-------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------Feats: Class Feats: Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage[+1]. Skills: Bluff[4], Diplomacy[4], Gather Information[4], Perform[4, Trumpet], Knowledge[Arcana, 4], Knowledge[Geography, 4], Knowledge[History, 4], Knowledge[Local, 4], Knowledge[Religion, 4], Knowledge[Nature, 4], Knowledge[Nobility/Royalty, 4]. Spells: Lullaby, Summon Instrument. HELL. YES. I totally just made that character. >D Some of you may recognize him.
His name was Flyn the fine.
in page 332 DBS keep in mind that picture that is what i look like everyone else is welcome to look it to know what i look like
--------------------Basic Information----------------------Name: Flynn the Fine.Player: Leo. Age: 21.Gender: Male.Race: HumanClass: BardLevel: 1.Level Equivalency: 1.Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Deity: Finder Wyvernspur.Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Sylvan, Goblin.------Attributes----------Str: 7[-2].Dex: 12[+1].Con: 3[-4].Int: 18[+4].Wis: 16[+3].Cha: 18[+4].Fort Save: +0Ref Save: +2Will Save: +2Hit Points: 1/1.Base Attack Bonus: +0.AC: 11. ------------------Equipment-------------------------------Clothing: Entertainer's Outfit.Off Hand: Empty.Primary Hand: Lute[Masterwork].Miscellaneous: Adventurer's Kit.GP: 0.-------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------Feats: Endurance, Diehard. Class Feats: Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage[+1].Skills: Bluff[4], Diplomacy[4], Gather Information[4], Perform[4, Lute], Knowledge[Arcana, 4], Knowledge[Geography, 4], Knowledge[History, 4], Knowledge[Local, 4], Knowledge[Religion, 4], Knowledge[Nature, 4], Knowledge[Nobility/Royalty, 4].Spells: Lullaby, Summon Instrument.
is no one else here?
Here, just waiting
As Noobs said, waiting on DBS.......
Well sorry my internet is still being a butthole.
I understand.
No comment on my awesome, awesome character I submitted?
Yeah, my internet too i had to get on my phone
Hyper, I could kill him with Slimy Doom.......
Have you never seen Dorkness Rising?!?!?!?!???!!!
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