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  • 18,587 Replies
2,886 posts

Well, it looks like Dragon is playing CoD, so I guess we'll pick this up tommorow...

26,390 posts

He said to expect him at around 1 AG time, DH. He should be back soon.

26,677 posts

Actually, I think I have the highest AC and maybe even the highest HP.

26,390 posts

As the hobbit?

26,677 posts

In the form of a boar with a Chain Shirt with the Wild enhancement.

2,886 posts

Well, I was in bed, but I needed to check something, so I didn't see the bit about Dragon coming back tonight. Anyway, I finished checking what I needed to, and I'm heading back to bed. Good night everyone.

2,886 posts

Alright, besides preparing to attack, what are you doing for your free turn?

26,677 posts

Well, Holly really isn't doing anything other than Readying an Attack.

23,530 posts

Desert did you take into account that I readied a Blood Storm spell and that I was going to use it when we reached where we are.

2,886 posts

Stocked up and ready for the weekend, I got a friend coming over, so idk how often I'll be on the next couple of days...

Hyper, What about Demetrius? Is he doing anything, or shall I get on with it? Either way, I assume you set up your V, which if I got this right, looks like (and where the Gargoyles are of course):

Gargoyle|Fenris| Cleric |Cleric|Holly |Gargoyle
5-ft |Lorethel|Cleric| 5-ft | 5-ft |Cleric|Crona| 5-ft
Cleric| 5-ft | 5-ft | Cleric |Cleric| 5-ft | 5-ft|Cleric

If that doesn't look right, go ahead and rearrange it to how it should look, that's just roughly based on what Hyper said...
Also, I will repost all sheets, so you get a basic idea who has what. Lorethel has low combat skills, but is a 7th lvl Druid. Dallic is sporting magic Full Plate, Fenris has Mstwk Full Plate (which he probably made himself), The Senior Temple Guard are actually quite nasty, eve though they're only 6th level, (3 Cleric and 3 Fighter) They have all +1 equipment, (Heavy Steel Shields, Basterd Swords, Comp Longbows +40 arrows, Half-Plate), they also have (each) 2 tanglefoot bags, 1 thunderstone, and 2 potions of Cure mod. According to their tactics, they have casted Bull's Strength on themselves, giving them each an 20 Str, and are ready to fight with either Sword or Bow! Only problem is they have 21/18 AC, and only 40 hp, which means they go down more easily than the rest of the party, otherwise you'd probably want to put them in front (Well, that and they ARE the healers here, each having 1st and 2nd level cures ready to go, plus their domain is Healing).

2,886 posts

Crap, I lost Hyper's sheet! Hope you still have a copy, cause idk how that happened...

Also, Holly wild shaped into Boar, right? do you have her stats as a boar? (I think it's just the boar from the MM for wild shape...)

Name: Hollylyassa Alerteyes
Player: Dragon
Age: 27
Sex: F
Race: Halfling
Class: Barbarian 6, Druid 6
Level: 12
Alignment: CN

Hit Points: 103
Rage Hit Points: 111

Str: 17 (21)
Dex: 18
Con: 18 (22)
Int: 13
Wis: 17
Cha: 15

BAB: +10/+6
Attack (Melee): +14/+9 (+16/+11)
Attack (Ranged): +15/+10
Attack (Thrown): +16/+11
AC: 21 (19)

Fort: +14 (+16)
Ref: +8
Will: +10 (+12)

Feats: Vulnerable, Toughness, Track, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Toughness

Skills: Handle Animal 15, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Intimidate 9, Listen 15, Survival 15, Swim 15

Weapons: Greataxe(s) (1d10+4/7), Javelin(s) (1d4+3/5)

Traits: Small, +2 to Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently, +1 to saving throws, +2 vs fear, +1 atk with thrown and slings, Alternate Form, Boar Empathy, Ferocity, Scent, Low-Light Vision.

Features: Rage 2/day, Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +2, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Trackless Step, Resist Natureâs Lure, Wild Shape 1/day

Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic

Equipment: Adventure Kit, +1 Wild Ironwood Chain Shirt, Gauntlet of Rust, 3 Javelins of Lightning, Masterwork Greataxe, 50 Small Javelins, 50 Medium Javelins, 6000 gp

Name: Crona Shirosaki
Age: 15
Gender: Male.
Description: Pale, a bit on the small side, and white hair.
Race: Human
Class: Dread Necromancer
Level: 12
Level Equivalency:12
Alignment: CN
Deity: None.
Languages: Common Dwarven Elven
Str: 13
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Fort Save:4
Ref Save: 4
Will Save: 8
Hit Points: 108
Attack Bonus:7/2
Damage Bonus:1
Base Attack Bonus:6/1

AC: 18
Clothing: Black pants, Dark brown cloak, Chainshirt.
Off Hand:
Primary Hand: Great sword
Miscellaneous: Necklace of Fireball VII, Staff of Frost (it's a sword)
GP: 13,350
Feats: Toughness x5, Improved toughness
Class Feats: Charnel touch, Rebuke undead, Lich Body Damage reduction 6, Negative energy burst 2/day, Advanced learning, Mental bastion +2, Fear Aura, Scabrous touch 2/Day, Summon familiar, Advanced learning, Undead mastery, Negative energy resistance, Lich Fortification 25%, Advanced learning, Enervating touch.
Familiar: vargouille
Skills: Decipher Script, Disguise, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Obscure.
Spells:1st Level: Bane, bestow wound*, cause fear, chill touch, detect
magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds,
ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I*, undetectable alignment
2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, Blood Harvest,
death knell, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict
moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon
undead II*
3rd Level: Crushing despair, death ward, halt undead, inflict
serious wounds, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, summon
undead III*, vampiric touch
4th Level: Animate dead, bestow curse, contagion, death
ward, dispel magic, enervation, Evards black tentacles, fear, giant
vermin, infl ict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, poison, summon
undead IV*
5th Level: Blight, cloudkill, fi re in the blood*, greater dispel
magic, insect plague, lesser planar binding, magic jar, mass infl ict
light wounds, nightmare, oath of blood*, slay living, summon undead
V*, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue, Soul Lance
6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, create undead, eyebite,
geas/quest, harm, mass infl ict moderate wounds, planar binding,
waves of exhaustion, Blood Storm,

2,886 posts

Uh, is anyone on, and Hyper do you have your sheet? I can't figure out how I lost it, but I did...

2,886 posts

Well, I'll be playing shell shock then. Or maybe try that Last Stand 3...

22,207 posts

So, could I join in on this?

If so:
Current level
Any restrictions I should be aware of for characters
Any needed 'slots' (sneaky, tank, etc.) that need to be filled
Campaign setting & very basic storyline so far

26,390 posts

Yeah, of course I have my sheet.
Here it is.

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Demetrius Zephyrgeist.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Class: Fighter/Justiciar.
Level: Fighter 8/Justiciar 4.
Level Equivalency: 12.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Deity: Bahamut.
Languages: Common, Giant, Elven, Undercommon, Dwarven, Draconic, Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Goblin.
Str: 18[+4]
Dex: 12[+1]
Con: 16[+3]
Int: 15[+2]
Wis: 18[+4]
Cha: 18[+4]
Fort Save: +10
Ref Save: +4
Will Save: +10
Hit Points: 120/120.
Base Attack Bonus: +12
Attack Bonus: +21/+16
Damage Bonus: +9/+4
AC: 21/19.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Full Plate[w/Spikes], Medallion of Thoughts.
Off Hand: Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield[w/Spikes].
Primary Hand: Merciful ******* Sword +5[1d10].
Unequipped: Composite Longbow[1d8, +4 max strength bonus].
Miscellaneous: Chest, Amazing Lock[3], Silk Rope[200 ft], Grappling Hook, Shovel, Masterwork Manacles[2].
Adventurer's Kit: Whetstone, Bedroll, Tent, Bullseye Lantern, Flint/Steel, Backpack, Trail Rations[1 month], Waterskin[10].
Transportation: Light Warhorse[w/Military Saddle].
GP: 2,920.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Track, Exotic Weapon Proficiency[******* Sword], Improved Critical[******* Sword].
Class Feats: Weapon Proficiency[Simple, Martial], Armor Proficiency[Heavy, Medium, Light], Shield Proficiency, Bring 'Em Back Alive, Nonlethal Strike[+2d6], Improved Grapple, Crippling Strike, Exotic Weapon Proficiency[Manacles], Street Savvy[+2].
Skills: Climb[8], Intimidate[8], Jump[8], Gather Information[8], Listen[8], Ride[8], Sense Motive[8], Spot[8], Swim[8], Use Rope[8], Speak Language[8].
Synergy: +2 on Climb checks using a rope, +2 on Intimidate checks, +2 on Diplomacy checks, +2 on Escape Artist when escaping rope bonds.
Spells: None.

Current level


Any restrictions I should be aware of for characters

All alignments are ok.

Any needed 'slots' (sneaky, tank, etc.) that need to be filled

Not sure...I think my character's the fighter/tank, I know DB has a druid, and Dibs has a wizard, but other than that you'd have to ask DH.

Campaign setting & very basic storyline so far

Presumed-dead storm giant is attacking village after long hiatus, we are going to kill storm giant.
What? You said very basic.
Showing 4726-4740 of 18587