Crap, I lost Hyper's sheet! Hope you still have a copy, cause idk how that happened...
Also, Holly wild shaped into Boar, right? do you have her stats as a boar? (I think it's just the boar from the MM for wild shape...)
Name: Hollylyassa Alerteyes
Player: Dragon
Age: 27
Sex: F
Race: Halfling
Class: Barbarian 6, Druid 6
Level: 12
Alignment: CN
Hit Points: 103
Rage Hit Points: 111
Str: 17 (21)
Dex: 18
Con: 18 (22)
Int: 13
Wis: 17
Cha: 15
BAB: +10/+6
Attack (Melee): +14/+9 (+16/+11)
Attack (Ranged): +15/+10
Attack (Thrown): +16/+11
AC: 21 (19)
Fort: +14 (+16)
Ref: +8
Will: +10 (+12)
Feats: Vulnerable, Toughness, Track, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Toughness
Skills: Handle Animal 15, Knowledge (Nature) 6, Intimidate 9, Listen 15, Survival 15, Swim 15
Weapons: Greataxe(s) (1d10+4/7), Javelin(s) (1d4+3/5)
Traits: Small, +2 to Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently, +1 to saving throws, +2 vs fear, +1 atk with thrown and slings, Alternate Form, Boar Empathy, Ferocity, Scent, Low-Light Vision.
Features: Rage 2/day, Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +2, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Trackless Step, Resist Natureâs Lure, Wild Shape 1/day
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic
Equipment: Adventure Kit, +1 Wild Ironwood Chain Shirt, Gauntlet of Rust, 3 Javelins of Lightning, Masterwork Greataxe, 50 Small Javelins, 50 Medium Javelins, 6000 gp
Name: Crona Shirosaki
Age: 15
Gender: Male.
Description: Pale, a bit on the small side, and white hair.
Race: Human
Class: Dread Necromancer
Level: 12
Level Equivalency:12
Alignment: CN
Deity: None.
Languages: Common Dwarven Elven
Str: 13
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Fort Save:4
Ref Save: 4
Will Save: 8
Hit Points: 108
Attack Bonus:7/2
Damage Bonus:1
Base Attack Bonus:6/1
AC: 18
Clothing: Black pants, Dark brown cloak, Chainshirt.
Off Hand:
Primary Hand: Great sword
Miscellaneous: Necklace of Fireball VII, Staff of Frost (it's a sword)
GP: 13,350
Feats: Toughness x5, Improved toughness
Class Feats: Charnel touch, Rebuke undead, Lich Body Damage reduction 6, Negative energy burst 2/day, Advanced learning, Mental bastion +2, Fear Aura, Scabrous touch 2/Day, Summon familiar, Advanced learning, Undead mastery, Negative energy resistance, Lich Fortification 25%, Advanced learning, Enervating touch.
Familiar: vargouille
Skills: Decipher Script, Disguise, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Obscure.
Spells:1st Level: Bane, bestow wound*, cause fear, chill touch, detect
magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds,
ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I*, undetectable alignment
2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, Blood Harvest,
death knell, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict
moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon
undead II*
3rd Level: Crushing despair, death ward, halt undead, inflict
serious wounds, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, summon
undead III*, vampiric touch
4th Level: Animate dead, bestow curse, contagion, death
ward, dispel magic, enervation, Evards black tentacles, fear, giant
vermin, infl ict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, poison, summon
undead IV*
5th Level: Blight, cloudkill, fi re in the blood*, greater dispel
magic, insect plague, lesser planar binding, magic jar, mass infl ict
light wounds, nightmare, oath of blood*, slay living, summon undead
V*, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue, Soul Lance
6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, create undead, eyebite,
geas/quest, harm, mass infl ict moderate wounds, planar binding,
waves of exhaustion, Blood Storm,