Ril looks into the hallway on the left, and sees one of the hill giants coming up, quite slowly. He sees him, and prepares his greatclub for attack. Holly looks down the right hallway, and sees the other one coming.
Turn 1 Ril casts Phantasmal Killer on the giant in the left hallway, and yeah, it's stupid, but he also has a **** good fort save, so he is not dead, only injured (9 damage), Holly throws her javelins down the right hall and hits the giant twice, he looks really mad at this point (39 damage), Demetrius has his bow out, but as he prepares to fire it, he notices something is moving around outside, and trying to get in through the doors, Dallic gets out his sword and charges down the left hallway, Lorethel cannot use Call lightning inside (but in astorm, it's WAY more effective), so he casts Produce Flame, and scorches the giant in the left hallway (9 damage, too bad he prepared a bunch of healing spells...), 4 and 4 Senior Temple Guard take their bows and shoot down the 2 hallways, since they're not quite up there yet, 1 hits the left side (10 damage) and 2 hit the right (16 damage), Fenris takes his Dwarven Waraxe and charges with Dallic down the left hallway, Crona Spectral Hands, making all touch spells short ranged spells (DBS can choose the next spell cast, if someone can get word from him, that is...), The giant in the left hall charges Dallic, and hits him on the head fairly hard as it put a rather nasty dent in his helmet (24 damage) , the one in the right hallway moves up, and is now right next to Holly, from outside you see 2 more hill giants have entered the combat, and are blocking the only other way out of the room, effectively trapping you. This seems awfully intelligent for a bunch of hill giants, there seems to be some kind of strategy here, especially since they came upon you just as the storm hit...