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"I would not," Demetrius says politely. "You may choose the seat." Describe the inside of the tavern, please?
"No please, you choose."
As you open the door, there is a muscular Bouncer-type man, who stops Shalla and Zankul.Bouncer:"No animals, I'm sorry."
Demetrius stops and watches.
"It would be best for you if you allow her to enter."Shalla raises her head and bares her teeth."She doesn't much care for being in the hail."
"And I don't care much for your overgrown cat. We do have a stable, if that helps." He says indifferently.*queue Jedi Mind Trick*
*queue Jedi Mind Trick*
What do you mean by that?
There is one of you with 26 Cha and maximum ranks in Intimidate, y'know....
And is a devote law abider
It starts with a Dr and kinda sounds like OW!
Yeah, your character. Demetrius has 18 Charisma and a total of +12 Intimidate.
Noobs, just Intimidate our way in.
Thread is locked!