Ring of Mind Shielding, I'd assume it extends to Telepathy?
Oh. You know, I considered buying that for Demetrius as well. But the Ring of Mind Shielding only protects against detect thoughts, discern lies, and hides their alignment. I suppose it would make it so that the ring was unable to find out what his greatest fear was, but it would still be able to project whatever it wanted into his mind.
But the Ring of Mind Shielding only protects against detect thoughts, discern lies, and hides their alignment. I suppose it would make it so that the ring was unable to find out what his greatest fear was, but it would still be able to project whatever it wanted into his mind.
Ah.... Well Ril seems to be in deep concentration for a good minute before half-throwing the item to the ground. P:"Serves you right!"
P:"Define 'We' and I shall consider." "I should break you right now for what you did....." P:"Shut up, you." Ril tenses up and he stares at the Periapt venomously.