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Demetrius seizes Waffles by his neck, but doesn't choke him."Who are you?"It was already dead, wouldn't it be at the pound. Whatever I go downstairs I think to find the elf.
FlagE: "I am just getting the others. Would you rather I stay here with you?"
E: "I won't be long."They go upstairs to find the others in the equipment thing.
Demetrius decides to free Waffles(taking his manacles with him), and runs to the equipment room, dragging Waffles along.
hey am i even in that jail thing whatever?
Fine then, Crona uses cloud kill.
Demetrius attacks the guards, but does nonlethal damage. Don't forget his bonus when he does nonlethal damage.
Zan and Shalla run up, ready to kick ***.
Demetrius knocks out one guard. Does Crona still use Cloudkill?
No Crona does Vampiric touch instead.
FlagZan and Shalla run up, ready to kick ***.
Demetrius seizes Crona in anger."WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU IMBECILE!?"
To where the noise and all was coming from.......Zan has his bow out and Shalla is right in front of him.
pZan and Shalla go upstairss and find an unconscious guard, dead guard, etc.
You kill em.
Thread is locked!