--------------------Basic Information---------------------- Name: Gahen Senti Player:Loco5 Age: 22 Gender: Male. Description: His horns are only visible when his hair is examined closely/parted, he gives of a faint scent of sulfur, and he has a demonic marking, which just looks like an odd tattoo like birthmark unless someone takes the time to closely examine it. Either that or he only has the scent of sulfur and his skin has a slight feint red tint. Brown hair kept mid-short length. with deep brown eyes, almost black. 5'10", arrow scar on his arm Class: Beguiler Level:6 Level Equivalency: 7 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Deity: help Languages: 2 extra? Common, Infernal ------Attributes---------- Str: 16 Dex: 20 [+2] Con: 16 Int: 15 [+2] Wis: 13 Cha: 16 [-2] Fort Save: 0 Ref Save: 0 Will Save: 1 Hit Points: halp Attack Bonus:lolwut Damage Bonus: lolwut Base Attack Bonus: 0 Sneak Attack Bonus: lolwut AC:10 ------------------Equipment------------------------------- Clothing: Off Hand: Primary Hand: Miscellaneous: Adventurer's Kit. GP: 474 -------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------ Feats: how many Class Feats: proficient with all simple weapons plus the hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow and shortsword and light armor Skills: how many Spells:am i like a wizard or sorcerer? Darkness (racial)