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"I will be retiring for the night as well, goodnight" looks at the servant, she gets up and follows him. Marrack questions any other member of the gang to gather more info about this mystery man.Did marrack gain any info on the mystery guy?????
Hyper e-mail....
Quiet ye hoebag, and all shall be answered.
Yeah, thats great. Hyper e-mail quick time is of the essence.
Holy ****, hoebag isn't censored.
Ye hoebag, you're an old white Soulja boy with no swag! And no gonads, egads, it's so sad.
..... two camels in a tiny car....
Fake and Gay.
False and Bicurious...
Shut up troll.
Callate pinchi.
Stop trolling=shut up troll that does not count :P
No you is spamming.
So Dragon, I responded to you.
He left to drown in wine and get buried in women, remember?
Thread is locked!