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Alright well Loco isn't here, and Noobs seems to be the only one we can introduce right now.
Really? Really, really?
Well it looks like the people that can be introduced have abandoned us.
Why can't Hyper come in?
Oh she can, but I'm not sure if she is still here, and besides I had her part worked out a bit differently and I need her approval first.
I'm here, and why can't you just get my approval?
Cause you weren't here
Did you get my latest email?
Yes I was...
I'm going to sleep.
Good night, Hyper.
alo moto
Alright, I am here, where is everyone?
I'm present and dragon is here I guess we can introduce noobs character. if he is present
Estoy presente, Senor Dibs!
Thread is locked!