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Yup, they were expecting you to die, but you got lucky. They just ditched you there.... For now.
And how much of that would we know?
I don't think that either of us actually saw them...
Which is one of the reasons you would think there not your average thugs.
Were they Drow Assassins? It fits the bill perfectly.
How would you know if they were.
Lvl 12 = well versed. It wouldn't be hard to figure out.
You are level 6.
Oh yeah..... So, roll for possible conclusions?
What kind of roll would that be, a wis/int roll?
I would assume Wis.
Well, maybe based on what if any knowledge skills you have, or maybe int to see if you know about them and wis to see if you can figure out it was them.
seriously when the **** will i be put in again
You already have, you are in a dark room tied up, what do you do.
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