Tyl morphs into him, drags his @ss into the nearest house, butchers the occupants with any weapons on his person, then morphs back to Tyl (putting the bloody weapon in his hands) and runs out screaming like a wee lass.
You hear the screech of blade on bone. He keeps working for a few minutes before finishing putting the blade down as he takes the gloves off. "Who are you." His voice sends shivers down your spine. It's a noise like nothing you ever heard before, it should be impossible for a human to make a sound like that.
"I'm here about men in short hats. Who was that unfortunate fellow on the table?"
Tyl morphs into him, drags his @ss into the nearest house, butchers the occupants with any weapons on his person, then morphs back to Tyl (putting the bloody weapon in his hands) and runs out screaming like a wee lass.
"I'm here about men in short hats. Who was that unfortunate fellow on the table?"
"Ahh, your that lady." He turns around removes his head gear and mask revealing that he is a she, "This man has garnered some unwanted attention for certain people. So he was killed I am disposing of the body."