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Dibs, you never said anything about ****ing guards.....
Dibs..... I am already inside by the time I have the spell Readied.....
Okay, on the first guy, you fail.....
D:Cast True Strike and stab 'em with Drowpoison-coated Kukri.
Shouldn't he be unconscious?
Is this a Servant or a guard?I demand a Luck reroll on the original sneak attack.
How is it so **** hard to stab someone in the back?!Does the intended victim notice?
Quietly draw shortsword, coup de grace or sneak attack if the former wouldn't apply.
Nevermind that, Death Attack instead.
Noobs, you do realize that you can layer a Death Attack, Sneak Attack and Coup de Grace over each other, right?
Tehn I layer those all together...
Thread is locked!