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*sigh* I'm going to have to provide the tank, aren't I?
Not evil, and rogue is fine.
Flag*sigh* I'm going to have to provide the tank, aren't I?
Technically, my changeling is just Neutral with a small dose of Chaotic Evil. And he/she doesn't do on principle or for fun, it's for the money.
I choose my Changeling then.What level are we starting on?
Level 13? *grumble grumble*This does give me room to explore an Infiltrator-Assassin, however.
So Dibs, what class are you providing here?
We need a tank and that's about it.
DO NOT use a Warrior....... It is a Fighter, but with half the Feats.....
My guy is like a multi-purpose spellcaster/fighter...he's not as good at either as a full-time, but he'll do good as a backup.
So he's kind of like Mord: good at a few things, but not the best at any?
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