Each +1 costs 8,000 I'm pretty sure.
They accumulate for a total of +3.
We've done it at level 12 before haven't we, and you didn't complain then.
+1 weapon enchant, plus frost damage enchantment (+1) and a fire enchantment (+1) = 3. +3 weapon =24,000.
18K and fair for plus three.
Hide in plain sight and observe.
Hyper take over.
Player: DBS
Age: 27
Gender: M
Description: I forgot.
Race: Human
Class: Scout/Fortuneâs Friend/Street Fighter.
Level: 8/5
Level Equivalency:13
Alignment: CN
Deity: ???
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 13
Fort Save:13
Ref Save: 16
Will Save: 8
Hit Points:105
Attack Bonus:15/10/5
Damage Bonus:4
Base Attack Bonus:11/6/1
AC: 17
Clothing: ??? Studded Leather.
Off Hand:
Primary Hand: Great Sword.
Miscellaneous: Helm of Wounding light (6.5K), Storm fire ring (4K) Goggles of golden sun (4K), Bracers of lightning (11K), Cloak of Resistance +5 (25K).
GP: 4.5K
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Deflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Stunning Fist, Martial Weapon Proficiency.
Class Feats: Skirmish (2d6 2ac), Trapfinding, Battle Fortitude +1, Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement +10 feet, Trackless step, Evasion, Flawless Stride, Camouflage. Always Ready +3, Streetwise, Stand tough 2/day, Sneak Attack 1d6,
Skills: 35 Tumble, Jump, Balance, Climb, Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Swim.
Skill Ticks: Group Fake Out, Wall Jumper, Walk the Walls, Twisted Charge, Speedy Ascent, Quick Swimmer, Nimble Stand, Nimble charge, Leaping Climber, Extreme Leap, Escape Attack, Acrobatic Backstab, Corner Perch, Back On your feet, Quick Escape, Timely Misdirection.
There we go, now I might make a change or two.