ForumsForum GamesDungeons & Dragons 3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Darkside)

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26,390 posts

Oh yeah, and now that we've reached the 100 pages cap, I would like to hear any feedback or suggestions that you may have.
Here are some basic categories.

Is the story good thus far? What do you like about it? What don't you like? What would you change, and what would you keep the same?

Is it too hard, too easy, or just right?

And anything else you have to say is also welcome. Sock it to me.

2,886 posts

Is the story good thus far? What do you like about it? What don't you like? What would you change, and what would you keep the same?
Is it too hard, too easy, or just right?

Well, it's kind of a stereotypical Whodunnit story, but I've seen worse. I would try some more plotting and scheming on your part, and maybe have it involve a higher power connection to the whole thing(just a thought). As for Difficulty, definitly too easy, but then again, we haven't done any serious combat so it may be too early to say. I would recommend trying to tie together the "random encounters" so they are part of the story, or at least fit with it (like the leeches and rats in the sewers, but I mean keep to the theme, don't have us fight something that doesn't make sense in whatever location we may be in or that's really pointless) Sorry, not trying to make you sound like a noob, just, as you put it, "Socking it to you". It would also be nice (for me anyway) to have to think about what we're doing, like maybe a puzzle or some really interesting trap that requires you to figure out how to get past it without dying. I also really like what I call "Tactical Situations" where you can't just walk up and hack n slash the monsters till dead, you have to be clever about it, whaddya think?
26,390 posts

have it involve a higher power connection to the whole thing(just a thought).

*shifty eyes*
I plead the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

As for Difficulty, definitly too easy, but then again, we haven't done any serious combat so it may be too early to say

Yes, I've noticed that you in particular have eaten up the monsters too quickly. However, as a rule, I prefer not to use monsters that can one-shot-kill the weakest player, because that would not seem fair. I was considering buffing up their Hitpoints and keeping their damage the same, just until you get powerful enough to take on some tougher foes.
And yes, it will get more difficult.

I would recommend trying to tie together the "random encounters" so they are part of the story, or at least fit with it (like the leeches and rats in the sewers, but I mean keep to the theme, don't have us fight something that doesn't make sense in whatever location we may be in or that's really pointless)

That's true, although I did not think of that. Well, I guess I did, the n...
I probably shouldn't say anymore, otherwise I could give away the future that is in store for you guys.

It would also be nice (for me anyway) to have to think about what we're doing, like maybe a puzzle or some really interesting trap that requires you to figure out how to get past it without dying

That is interesting, but that would require me to think, which as a rule I generally don't like having to do.
Lol, just kidding. So, you want something more in the way of puzzles? I will see what I can do. Would a riddle be acceptable? Because I have a near-arsenal of them xP.

I also really like what I call "Tactical Situations" where you can't just walk up and hack n slash the monsters till dead, you have to be clever about it, whaddya think?

I like those too, but in my experience(on this site anyway) most people don't have the patience for that kind of thing. I could try it, though. I've done it before, in "soldier" games. It would be more difficult in Dungeons and Dragons, but I'll see if I can try to do that.
22,207 posts

most people don't have the patience for that kind of thing. I could try it, though. I've done it before, in "soldier" games


I nebar did finish the Sabotage plan though T_T.

and for this campaign.... I like it, though i'd prefer in the beginning stages (info gathering) not being pointed all over the place and possibly having a lot of open ends or logical thinking to figure out where you must go next.
2,886 posts

A lot of really good points:

*shifty eyes*
I plead the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

That's true, although I did not think of that. Well, I guess I did, the n...
I probably shouldn't say anymore, otherwise I could give away the future that is in store for you guys.

ROTFL, yes, I would do the same thing as GM...

Yes, I've noticed that you in particular have eaten up the monsters too quickly. However, as a rule, I prefer not to use monsters that can one-shot-kill the weakest player, because that would not seem fair. I was considering buffing up their Hitpoints and keeping their damage the same, just until you get powerful enough to take on some tougher foes.
And yes, it will get more difficult.

Well, now you see why I only have 4 hp, I can die easy, but I also kick major ***!

That is interesting, but that would require me to think, which as a rule I generally don't like having to do.
Lol, just kidding. So, you want something more in the way of puzzles? I will see what I can do. Would a riddle be acceptable? Because I have a near-arsenal of them xP.

AWESOME, I kinda suck at riddles, but I'm game, if it involves some real thinking on my part...

I like those too, but in my experience(on this site anyway) most people don't have the patience for that kind of thing. I could try it, though. I've done it before, in "soldier" games. It would be more difficult in Dungeons and Dragons, but I'll see if I can try to do that.

Well, then let's see what the rest of the players think first.
26,390 posts

possibly having a lot of open ends or logical thinking to figure out where you must go next.

*cough cough*
I believe I already have those, though you have not noticed them yet. -.-
22,207 posts

Well a lot of the info gathering was asking

22,207 posts

questions and being referred on to teh next person.

And i didn't actively notice any open/loose ends, seemed pretty straightforward....

2,886 posts

Information Gathering IS ASKING QUESTIONS, SirNoobalot, haven't you ever heard of Brother Cadfael?

22,207 posts

Information Gathering IS ASKING QUESTIONS, SirNoobalot, haven't you ever heard of Brother Cadfael?

I know but besides asking questions there were no side-quests or complications.

Example: a thief steals something from the church while you're there, and the stubborn cleric offers to divulge information if you catch 'em.
2,886 posts

oh, that's for the birds (by which I mean total noobs who have never really played D&D, no offense Sir"Noob"alot)

22,207 posts

Ey, i has played IRL before D:

and i'm confused....

26,390 posts

Example: a thief steals something from the church while you're there, and the stubborn cleric offers to divulge information if you catch 'em.

That's what you're doing now, aren't you? You're actively gathering information.

And i didn't actively notice any open/loose ends, seemed pretty straightforward....

I could smack you boi, but I'm afraid it will bounce right off. -.-

AWESOME, I kinda suck at riddles, but I'm game, if it involves some real thinking on my part...

And would it be okay if the riddles went beyond normal knowledge at the time? i.e. a riddle with modern elements such as cars. I will try to use broader riddles, but most of the ones I know relate to something that could not be found in medieval times.
2,886 posts

And would it be okay if the riddles went beyond normal knowledge at the time? i.e. a riddle with modern elements such as cars. I will try to use broader riddles, but most of the ones I know relate to something that could not be found in medieval times.

Well, I guess, but something more broad would be preferable...

What's IRL SirNoobalot?
2,886 posts

What's IRL SirNoobalot?

Sorry, I meant Where IRL SirNoobalot...
Showing 991-1005 of 18587