Upon level 5, would you treat yourself as level 5 before picking a ckass.or still level 4 until you finish the oeveling process??
Let me put it to you this way: you are walking to a store. When you walk in the store, you buy a candy bar. Can you eat the candy bar while you are walking to the store?
Will any of the following be unavailable fir whatever reason: 2 black lotus extract 9000, 15 drow poison 1125 , 3 Dark reaver powder 1200, 4 oil of taggit 360. 4 Sassone leaf residue 1200.
Will any of the following be unavailable fir whatever reason: 2 black lotus extract 9000, 15 drow poison 1125 , 3 Dark reaver powder 1200, 4 oil of taggit 360. 4 Sassone leaf residue 1200.