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Dibs, just let her get the ****ing camel.......
Then she rides her trusty steed until
So Noobs, share a camel, ride the summoned camel or ride my character?
Why absolutely.need a.camel for the desert? They're just preferred because th're heat tolerant and can.go.a.long waybwithout water.
Horses can't walk on sand and camels are faster than people.
How far is it to the nearest camel dealer?
What detour speak.of?
Hold long of a detour would it take and how far in the desert is the next one sans detour?
So in other words, you are ****ing Noobs over.Good night.
Blegh.Tala rides one of the summoned camels then.
Summoned camel for me too. >.>
*sigh* Why do I even try?
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