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E:" Why do you need a camel when you can be any animal you wajt?"
E: "Because I'd still be walking across the desert for no reason. If one of you rode on me, I'd have a reason."
Howmuchd war camels cost Broseph?
E: "Please, Tala?"Noobs, still here?
E:"Hmmm,,,,, No."
She looks upset and disappointed.E: "Alright..."
Oh sheet, shes onpy borrowing rigt?
Yes, she will pay Tala back in full with interest.
Then she happily.obliges.
She seems happy, but hesitates as she is unsure of the proper display of gratitude.E: "Thank you, Tala."
I'm assuming Dibs isn't coming back and we've basically dead ended, so good night, Noobs.
"I expect full repayment and interest." She says plainoy.
She nods in agreement and awaits her new camel.
Thread is locked!