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She completely ignores your existence.
Dibs, do you really think that either Hyper or Noobs had any idea what we were talking about?
Are we actually going to move along, now?
"Yes, thank you for asking."
"We should stop here for now."
So this changes nothing, what do yall do. The rain is coming down hard.
"If we wait it out for two days, it will let up. Want to do that?"She was sincere.
"If we wait it out for two days, it will let up. Want to do that?"
How far away is the place we're supposed to be going?
Hyper, Is Shem's Ring of Sustenance visible?
"Neither of us needs to eat and the piece of **** can eat his ****ing hand for all I care, but I'll stop for Tala."
Thread is locked!