In most Jim Carey movies I've laughed so hard that I've cried. To me that man is just pure comic genius. Same goes with Adam Sandler. That animation he made had me laughing all throughout it.
In most Jim Carey movies I've laughed so hard that I've cried. To me that man is just pure comic genius. Same goes with Adam Sandler. That animation he made had me laughing all throughout it.
Lol, I agree, Jim Carrey is AWESOME! Here's a weird one, I cried for nearly an hour straight at the theater watching the Return of The King after Theoden died, I was sobbing my head off, and it was pretty loud too... Oh, and when they captured William Wallace in Braveheart, I choked when he yelled out "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" just as he was about to die, still gets me here thinking about it...
Also in the movie Valkyrie, when Colonol Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) was about to get executed by firing squad, he yelled out "Long live sacred Germany!" I was crying for a good 5 minutes.
One experience was in a lord of the rings movie when Gandalf said YOU SHALL NOT PASS! That part of the movie was so epic. I still watch that part of the movie every once in a while. Sometimes it cracks me up hearing it. But other times it's so serious and epic.
I don't know if it counts in this thread, but mine was actually a tv series...
I was deeply moved when 'Dr. Mark Greene' died in the tv series 'E.R.'! Dr. Mark Greene was the heart and soul of ER for a longtime and when he died, the series died a little too! Very good acting work from 'Anthony Edwards', portraying a committed and social feeling doctor! =)