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ForumsThe TavernCreate-an-ecosystem club

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3,415 posts

Hello there! One of my favorite hobbies after studying some biology and paleontology I always liked doing the same thing:

Creating a fictional (yet as realistic as it can) ecosystem and evolution.

I am not the best at it, as scientists say "there is always more research to be done about life", I (in the last few years) have (in a way) created three eco systems....

In this club (if you decide to join) you will create a fictional, yet realistic eco system and environment... you can either choose something like determining only some organisms on one sort of land (for example creating a desert and inventing the multiple species in it)

Want to join? Just say so... here is (as I like to do it) how you start:
(note that you can just post your idea for environment and do the rest later)

1. First you need to determine the environment, you can go from normal earthly environments (like sea, desert, jungle, alpine, plain, etc...) to thinking harder about what would happen to life in extreme temperature or creating your own environment. (Note: you can also create more than one if you want and they should change as time and evolution take place) also in this part you SHOULD try to start thinking about your kingdom plantae

2a. Determine the equality of your eco system, how many carnivores? How many herbivores? How many omnivores?

2b. Start thinking about animals, how do they look? How do they react with other animals? Start modeling your species... if you want you can try to draw it...

2c. I never REALLY bother to do much about bacteria, viruses and fungi, if you feel like researching those and creating some for your eco system feel free to do so...

3. start determining how evolution goes, this is (to my opinion) the funnest part, you start thinking, how do the enviorment change affect my eco system? Are there mass extinctions? Biological rivalry? Maybe a species grows sentient, what happens then?

there is a lot more stuff to do, though I will let you decide about it on your own... this project is good for both fun and educational purposes, also I want to see what are other people's ideas....

Have fun, if you have any questions just ask me!

  • 54 Replies
4,689 posts

1.Hmmm I think Ill start off with an ocean environment to start.

2.A.Well starting off Im going to have tiny organisms. There will be several kinds of algae like creatures who live near the surface. A bit below them live the more animalistic creatures. There are going to be 4 kinds of herbivores, 2 carnivores and 3 omnivores.

B.Ill come back to this one.

C.There are a couple minor viruses but they haven't evolved to deadly strength yet. These guys are pretty much the bacteria. The fungi Im going to have at the bottom of the sea clustered around gas vents.

3.Ill come back to this one in a bit too.

3,415 posts

also if you want I suggest coming up with a later eco system and instead of going into the origins and seeing how they improve you could try coming up with an eco system say, 700 million years after the first bacteria and then instead of going forward going backward, then forward, this maybe easier because it resembles the way we (humans) study biology and paleontology, we study what we have now and see how it came to be its way and shape, then guess what will be in the future (if you ever saw the bbc, I think, series about what will happen to animals 100 million years in the future it is very interesting) also you could try seeing if you could think about evolution of arsenic based organisms like scientists are doing by guessing about the evolution of life on Titan...

4,689 posts
Top things right under waves are the algae.
The four geometric shapes are herbivores.
The two below that are carnivores.
The three below that are omnivores.
Near the bottom is a gas vent. Near it is the fungi.

3,415 posts

right, do the carnivores have some special ways of hunting? Like speed or large body or sonar or such? What do the herbivores eat? How do the species react with each other? Are there different kinds of pacman like organisms?

4,689 posts

Well the one on the left is quite speedy in a straight line but the one on the left is an ambush attacker. Herbivores eat on the algae near the surface. Mostly carnivores hunt everything, herbivores form large groups for defense, and the three omnivores are of an opportunistic nature eating what ever they can get. Only two organisms are pac-man in nature.

15,053 posts

this feels a lot like a forum game to me

3,415 posts

try to organize it:


*insert creature name*
*insert abilities*
reactions with other creatures...

and so on... then see after you really organized it and set some kind of setting for the eco system you can start and "research the evolution"

3,415 posts

loco this is a project, I am not RPGing this for him, I am helping him, if you say it should be like a "AG totem pole" sort of game that is not an RPG or anything I think you are wrong but what-to-do, I respect your opinion... If a mod says so too then he will probably move it to forum games section anyways...

4,689 posts

Alright Ill get on that. Probably will put it in tomorrow.

560 posts

1. A red fiery color sand in the desert.
2. there are only carnivores and herbivores in the ecosystem. What is strange though is that most herbivores can easily overpower carnivores. So usually the canivores dont bother them. There are 7 types of herbivores and 4 types of carnivores. Herbivores: Aleksi (humanoid, intelligent, claws, only fights with bladed staffs and their claws, does not eat what it kills(duh), but when someone starts up with an Aleksi...)
Kaurus (Intelligent dinosaur types, feeds on anything it thinks it can beat, high jumps)
Carnivores: Jaurus (sworn enemies of the Kaurus, kind of an eagle only with big long and sharp talons and have red eyes, feeds on anything it thinks it can beat)
Swanira (Lizard types, populate very fast, feed on antri, jukon, and norrs)
Harlk (Snake type, poisoned spikes on their head which are used to penetrate their preys skin, spits acid, feed on dapps and roachin most commonly, but can take on most creatures)

PREY: Herbivores: Dapps(horned flies), roachin (roaches with poisoned teeth), antri(ants only about 3 times as big and with pincers), jukon(white furry doglike creatures), Norrs(dragonflies with acid spit)

3. I'm not exactly sure what do do here.


560 posts

oh yeah and Jaurus have bad eyesight but find their prey with echolocation.

3,415 posts

3 always goes AFTER you are done with planning the whole eco system thing...

if carnivores are less powerful than herbivores, how do they get prey? Are they insectivorous? Do they gather in pack and bring down the powerful herbivores together?

also that is a very nice idea, try to create some scenarios and see if it works, like a walking with dinosaurs thing... say a Jaurus starts attacking an aleksi, what happens?

Also is Kaurus a herbivore?

4,689 posts

Herbivores that have no particular abilities and are easily eaten

Tougher herbivores that are able to spin into attackers causing wounding.

Herbivores that have the ability to form giant versions of themselves by stacking together to scare off threats.

Aggressive herbivores that can spin even faster than Trianglenauts and move in packs to get the best algae

A carnivore noted for its speed in a straight line and ability to cut through schools of other creatures.

An apex carnivore that feeds on anything that moves. It ambushes prey stunning it then slowly consuming it.

An omnivore that prefers to scavenge off the leavings of Pac-eaters and other larger creatures, this creature is found in large groups and is easily startled.

A relative of the squiggle it is also a omnivore but travels in smaller groups and does sometimes attack other creatures

Another omnivore named for its peculiar swimming style which it appears to walk along the currents. Known to be very social they are capable of aggression when needed but mainly watch over herds of squiggles.

Sea fungi
A fungus found on the bottom of the sea. Everything that can swim that deep eats it. No defenses to speak of but has extreme rates of reproduction.

560 posts

all carnivores can beat a prey herbivore(notice i separated them at the bottom). But to take down the top 2(Aleksi and Kaurus), they need to hunt in a pack, yes. wats insectivourus? if its wat i think it means i already answered you^^. Yes, Kaurus is a herbivore.


Aleksi travel in tribes(about 20) always and since Aleksi are land creatures the Jaurus would have to land or fly close enough to the Aleksi for them to attack with their double bladed staffs. 1 or 2 might be injured, but they would be able to take the Jaurus down quite easily.

3,415 posts

how civilized are your aleksis? Does only one jaurus try to kill them? Are they physically strong or only strong in intelligence?

Also now cd7 you could try creating scenarios and interactions...

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