ForumsNews and Feedback(reworded title) When can we change our armatar directly on AG3?

19 5142
825 posts

Please let me know if you find out

  • 19 Replies
311 posts

Yah, I think set armatars are best, it makes the site look nicer, some sites look so messy with any picture, even gifs that move so fast and are just anoying. But makeing new mateial every say week or mont would be nice. we have plenty of graphic designers here in AG so I am sherh we could get at least one every other week if not every. Like a new game every week type thing( we seem to get more than that some times.) But instead new armatar every weak. But we talked about the custom armatars, I think it was a maybe but a little closer to no...
But let be tell you non-beta people(or beta no offence) AG3 is not a paradise full of red tulips with the shining citie(castle in our case) of oz with color changing horses and elfs! It is a... well nice organized mess (no offence AG3 dev it is still beta) to put it with the old private settings wizzerd of oz exerts style. Lol.

825 posts

KTHX for your help... If you find out more plz tell me

2,891 posts

I hope they don't make custom ones allowed

We've already stated several times that when users reach a certain number of Armor Points (new points, not AG2 points), and/or reputation, that we'll allow them to upload custom armatars for review. We've also looked at the idea of restricting that armatar to just that user, but then at another point/reputation level, letting your friends have access, then at another level, let everyone have access to it. We're also looking at letting users upload entire sets of armatars if they're talented enough.

Still, ALL armatar submissions will be reviewed by human eyes before they're allowed on the site.

In AG3 will we be able to put your own photo on our profile?

No, that's what the photo thread is for.
2,891 posts

As for Jetcord's original question, we don't know yet when we'll allow users to select a new armatar on AG3. It won't be on the next release that I know of, and probably not the following release.

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